My personal experience with Aflac

Re: seeking advice on starting with AFLAC

LOL now we have math & english experts!! say all the bad things you want to about AFLAC, I still make a nice 6 figure income. AFLAC # 30 on the 100 best companies to work for. # 164 on the fortune 500 list. Pays out over 6 billion dollars pre day in benefits.
Re: Working for Aflac?

Funny, that is exactly what all of the Amway people say, almost word for word. Do you do Amway as well?

LOL all companies use some sort of system to weed out the non-hackers.
Have never heard of a 90 day probation period? Amway LOL are you that obtuse dave020?
Re: Working for Aflac?

LOL all companies use some sort of system to weed out the non-hackers.
Have never heard of a 90 day probation period? Amway LOL are you that obtuse dave020?

Interesting point, but I would phrase it as "all captive companies use some sort of system to weed out the non-hackers".

I was weeded out of a well-known investment firm after almost three years. That is how they obtain new clients for the bigger hitters, get rid of you and xfer them to one of the senior reps. Their idea of market for us was cold-calling for mutual fund sales from the phone book.

No biggie, I did not give up and started over. I have been independent for almost a decade, sell as little or as much of each of my health carriers as I choose for client fit, and not to be immodest, make a very comfortable living by California standards.

I agree to a point, my problem is that you phrased the original in such a way to as to indicate that failure to succeed under a captive contract makes one a loser or unable to hack it or "run their own business"

With that thought I must disagree. That IS the Amway answer for everyone that does not exclude their family, "dream stealers" and others to succeed at that. It is possible (and I for one am a great example) that the captive fit is all wrong but not the drive, ambition and desire of the person. I have suceeded in spite of being captive.
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Re: Working for Aflac?

I met a career AFLAC agent who was angry because the company doesn't protect the agent.

If a new HR manager comes into your account, he can bring his own AFLAC agent.:no:
Re: seeking advice on starting with AFLAC

LOL now we have math & english experts!! say all the bad things you want to about AFLAC, I still make a nice 6 figure income. AFLAC # 30 on the 100 best companies to work for. # 164 on the fortune 500 list. Pays out over 6 billion dollars pre day in benefits.

There seems to be some inconsistency with your figures. Agents don't work for Aflac. They are independent. Your #30 of the best companies to work for "DOSE" not apply. It is a B.S. figure designed to lure the unsuspecting to the duck. Since you are so full of facts and figures, please explain how Aflac pays 6 billion dollars "PRE" day in benefits. Inquiring minds want to know. Hell, I want to know.
Re: seeking advice on starting with AFLAC

Sorry for the type-O i meant to say $6 million pre day!!!!! now for the #30 no BS here! and is not use to "lure" anyone to AFLAC. jupp eyes do makes that much :) AFLAC is "uber" company.. I use the word "uber" for all you english major's out there LOL
Re: seeking advice on starting with AFLAC

Sorry for the type-O i meant to say $6 million pre day!!!!! now for the #30 no BS here! and is not use to "lure" anyone to AFLAC. jupp eyes do makes that much :) AFLAC is "uber" company.. I use the word "uber" for all you english major's out there LOL

You are a perfect example of the caliber of people who sell Aflac. With each illiterate post you write, you drive home the fact that Aflac is not the place for an educated, self-respecting individual to hang his or her hat. That being said, don't you have some cold calls to make? There just may be a business or two that hasn't been inundated with calls from Aflac that you could impress with your fine english and math skills.:D
Re: seeking advice on starting with AFLAC

;) You know what's ironic here, is that I had to retake basic english 100 in college because I couldn't spell to save my life. Still really can't do all that great. But this guy makes me smile. With my language skills, hell I could be on the board at AFLAX....;)

Why do I feel that Joe Pesci (sp) is ghost writting here? "The two yousths.." (My cousin Vinnie,)
Re: seeking advice on starting with AFLAC

I get the feeling that hodaka1974 just started with Aflac and is posting to try to make himself or herself (to be P.C.) feel good about the decision that was made. All that I see from this individual is the same sales B.S. that Aflac uses on everyone. I see nothing that speaks of any personal experience, let alone, success. The "nice six figure income" line is about as old as it gets. At Aflac, everyone says it, few achieve it.