National States Insurance

Personally I don't worry too much about financial ratings with medsupp carriers in Missouri. We're lucky to have a two/three year run with most companies due to that GI law. In other states I am a little more diligent about doing research about a companies track record. The reasoning is: In MO they aren't trapped on a carrier. If a company goes belly up they are GI for another plan. All claims will get paid.

I'm done with NatState due to their PITA business practices. All supplies have been trashed.
AGREE!!! Has anyone said seize and de-list? :1mad:
"National Snakes" had an issue age policy in WI and failed. Now they are coming in with an age-rated policy with rates under $90 per month with a plan similar to F in other states. Just another come-on rate they simply cannot support. United of Omaha just took a 28% increase 4/1/10 and had a 9.2% in September 09. National Snakes will be a flash in pants like Mutual of Omaha, United World Admiral Life, Central States, Constitution Life, and how Gerber will be. History in WI...low-ball plans cannot survive the market we have here.
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"National Snakes" had an issue age policy in WI and failed. Now they are coming in with an age-rated policy with rates under $90 per month with a plan similar to F in other states. Just another come-on rate they simply cannot support. United of Omaha just took a 28% increase 4/1/10 and had a 9.2% in September 09. National Snakes will be a flash in pants like Mutual of Omaha, United World Admiral Life, Central States, Constitution Life, and how Gerber will be. History in WI...low-ball plans cannot survive the market we have here.

What companies do you write for? I want the best too.
They are E rated:
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AGREE!!! Has anyone said seize and de-list? :1mad:
E rated...
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MedicareGuy: 3 THOUSAND med sup clients - come on man!
Yes, 3,000. I'm a direct writer with WPS for 10 years. I write 400-500 each year. I wrote 7 today.
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I really want to know how you get in front of that many people. I'm not trying to bust your chops. I really want to know so I can increase my Med Supp business to your level.