- 19,673
You are the one that's confused. I'm talking about MoO's GI. Not their other products.
Here is straight out agent manual:
"Living Promise Whole Life
Five Good Reasons to Sell Living Promise
Level and Graded Benefit plans available
Face amounts from $2,000 to $40,000
Can be used to pay for final expenses and more
Simplified underwriting
No physical exam - coverage is based on answers to a few health questions
Product Highlights
Level Benefit Plan
Death Benefit: 100%
Issue Ages: 45-85
Face Amounts: $2,000-$40,000
Underwriting Classes: Standard Tobacco/Nontobacco
Additional Benefits - Level Benefit Plan Only
Accelerated Death Benefit for Terminal Illness or Nursing Home Confinement Rider included at no additional cost
Optional: Accidental Death Benefit Rider
Graded Benefit Plan
Graded death benefit during the first two years, unless death results from an accidental bodily injury. Full death benefits will be paid, in all years, if death results from an accidental bodily injury.
Issue Ages: 50-75
Face Amounts: $2,000 to $20,000
Underwriting Class: Standard (no tobacco distinction)
Premium Modes (Modal Factors)
Annual (1.00)
Quarterly (0.275)
Semi-Annual (0.52)
Monthly BSP (0.089)
Policy Fee
$36 Annual Policy Fee
Underwriting Requirements
MIB, pharmaceutical check, random phone interviews
You'll find complete details in the Product and Underwriting Guide. Search for form number U8500 in the Forms & Materials section.
Product base plans, provisions, features, and riders may not be available in all states and may vary by state."
They use a progressive application. First section qualifies/disqualifies for graded. Then the client answers the rest...like MonLife, Settlers, EL&C, and so on.
Now, the mailer you described is something the company sends out for its career agents only. That product is available in some or all states, but here it not available for brokers. Moo is a great company, and I have no complaints.
But they do not offer the cancer plan here, and I cannot GI through them.
Hope that clears any confusion about them.