Netquote life leads...

I know. I am old. But I am still very immature! the way...just came back from the Miami (hockey) game tonight. The RedHawks are ranked #1 in the country right now.

OK..back to the boring stuff. Re contacts...Day 1 email and call. Day 2 email. Day 3 call. Day 9 email. Day 15 email and call. Then...written letter final contact sent on day 21 and that's it.

Re the 3-5 leads...that is only from NetQuote. I use a few other lead companies over broader areas. Not the same results though. And yea...after 27 years you get a lot of referrals. Even Slyby send me a bone every so often!!!
I used them for about 6 months and 98% of the leads were worthless. I tried them out to supplement my leads that I was receiving from NAA National Agents Alliance. Problems included bogus phone numbers, people freaking out when a real live person called them so soon, the proverbial shopper that never intends on picking a product/plan, the phone non-answerer...etc...etc...and so it goes. I was impressed with their product.
I just dropped NQ - the leads fell into two categories - 1) Could never reach them or, 2) They were "just registering for the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes". Only got a very, very few that were any good at all.

Is anyone familiar with AllWebLeads? Looks like the obligation is minimal anyway...
I tried using them. They sold the same leads that gave to me to at least 5 other agents. So when I called the client, they would tell me that I was one of many agents that had called them, and they only need one.