New agent

Hey Res, I actually did want to be an onsurance agent when i was 16. I was dating a girl whos dad owned his own agency. They were RICH! Money is my motivation and i too get bored easily. I don't think you will get bored with insurance, atleast i haven't yet.

Insurance is the best job in the world when you are doing good and the worst job in the world when you aren't. The objective is to get your renewals built up so thaqt your down months are survivable(is that a word?).

I live in Indiana also, south of ft wayne. I am in the senior market. I have worked for United American, Senior Solutions ( penn life), and senior benefits( great american ) and in that order. I am now transitioning to be independent. The reason I have jumped around so much is because of price increases and after a couple months the captive agencies want you to start producing your own leads. So basically they entice you with leads and then take them away. Thats the only reason i went captive, well the training too but you can get training anywhere that offers contracts.

Let me know if you have any questions about the senior market because thats where I have been for 4.5 years. I sell medicare supps, Medicare advantage, life, annuities and starting to dabble in ltc.

thanks a ton... I am in Evansville. I am going to go to meet with physicians mutual tomorrow evening and see what they say. Someone frm United American contacted me but it seemed semi-scammish. I originally thought i would want to be independent, but then started thinking about the benefits of what i perceived as support.

I think there is a big difference in marketing a law practice and and insurance company. Namely, lawyers arent allowed to solicit clients aggressively. We are not allowed to telemarket at all, with direct mail we have to out "ADVERTISING MATERIAL" in big red letters on the envelop and the letter itself. Also, technically, we arent allowed to even give out a card where its not requested. A lot of lawyers dont follow the rules, but they are there in IN at least.

My wife wont let me go "balls to the wall" and quit my day job, as i have a 2 month old son and a big fat new mortgage for the house we moved into 3 months ago. But, i have relative freedom during the day and could make many calls during my 9-5.

I will probably have alot more to say after tomorrow. Thanks again for all the input, i know nothing about the biz
One of the best agents I knew was an attorney who took down his shingle and went into estate planning for business owners & professionals. A class act who really knew his stuff.

I have worked with literally hundreds of agents over the years and he would make my top 10 list. Most of the agents I have met & worked with weren't worth the powder it would take to blow their brains out . . . assuming they had any brains.
New to the insurance industry!

I started in the industry back in 1987. Caught the bug and although I have tried other things.. could not get insurance out of my heart! I have never been a licensed agent though. My specialty has been working in a sales and marketing capacity for an agent or large broker.. and most recently (the past 3+ years) I have been recruiting independent agents, producers, etc.

Recruiting is something I have had a background in and everything just seemed to fit.. insurance, sales and marketing.

As someone mentioned earlier-- you should at least think about the type of industries you want to "represent".. so maybe think about an industry that you are fond of or would like to learn more about.

I work currently for an MGA. I am always looking for "great agents" with an individual flair for the industry.

My philosphy is this-- and these are just some thoughts to ponder. I would rather have an agent or many agents who write what I call "good business" over bad business. Seems simple enough.. but I have met my share of "bad" agents.

I was working with an agent last week. He is in an area where there are loads of p&c agencies.. but no one that will specialize in one or two areas. I suggested to him to maybe write business that no one else is writing. Made sense : ) --

We write excess and surplus lines. Most anything that most typical carriers will not write.

We create programs as well. (I am recruiting on the program side also)

Not sure of what city or part of the country you are in.. but pick up what I like to call "the bible" for the area -- YELLOW PAGES. Look at what others are writing and write something else.

If everyone is mentioning in their ads .. they will write home and auto, Life and Health -- then get your name out there as the agent who will write:

Trucking Insurance
Courier Insurance
Apartment Bulidings
Car Washes
etc. etc.

I can give you a ton of marketing ideas that will help you to "promote" yourself and make you stand out in a field of many.

And if you would like to talk .. feel free to respond to this post. Or give me a call at 937-885-4582.

Good luck!!

One of the best agents I knew was an attorney who took down his shingle and went into estate planning for business owners & professionals. A class act who really knew his stuff.

I have worked with literally hundreds of agents over the years and he would make my top 10 list. Most of the agents I have met & worked with weren't worth the powder it would take to blow their brains out . . . assuming they had any brains.

Would this be because any slightly retarded chimp can pass an insurance test? And the stringent rules are a whopping 2 day prep course that bascially covers what's on the test?
I started in the industry back in 1987. Caught the bug and although I have tried other things.. could not get insurance out of my heart! I have never been a licensed agent though. My specialty has been working in a sales and marketing capacity for an agent or large broker.. and most recently (the past 3+ years) I have been recruiting independent agents, producers, etc.

Recruiting is something I have had a background in and everything just seemed to fit.. insurance, sales and marketing.

As someone mentioned earlier-- you should at least think about the type of industries you want to "represent".. so maybe think about an industry that you are fond of or would like to learn more about.

I work currently for an MGA. I am always looking for "great agents" with an individual flair for the industry.

My philosphy is this-- and these are just some thoughts to ponder. I would rather have an agent or many agents who write what I call "good business" over bad business. Seems simple enough.. but I have met my share of "bad" agents.

I was working with an agent last week. He is in an area where there are loads of p&c agencies.. but no one that will specialize in one or two areas. I suggested to him to maybe write business that no one else is writing. Made sense : ) --

We write excess and surplus lines. Most anything that most typical carriers will not write.

We create programs as well. (I am recruiting on the program side also)

Not sure of what city or part of the country you are in.. but pick up what I like to call "the bible" for the area -- YELLOW PAGES. Look at what others are writing and write something else.

If everyone is mentioning in their ads .. they will write home and auto, Life and Health -- then get your name out there as the agent who will write:

Trucking Insurance
Courier Insurance
Apartment Bulidings
Car Washes
etc. etc.

I can give you a ton of marketing ideas that will help you to "promote" yourself and make you stand out in a field of many.

And if you would like to talk .. feel free to respond to this post. Or give me a call at 937-885-4582.

Good luck!!


You just caused me to have a light bulb go off...Thanks ;)
I can give you a ton of marketing ideas that will help you to "promote" yourself and make you stand out in a field of many.

And if you would like to talk .. feel free to respond to this post. Or give me a call at 937-885-4582.

Good luck!!


i might take you up on that. I foresee marketing and prosecting being something i pay someone else to do for me, but we shall see. Thanks for the advice. I am southern indiana, and the only licenses i have are life and health. though as someone pointed out, it is not terribly difficult to get a license (i passed the practice test without looking at any study material at all and i know almost nothing about insurance outside of my own personal experiences with it as a consumer)
New to the Industry

Pleas share your Light Bulb Moment.

What I like to call the LBM.

Feel free to call as well. If you are looking for a great MGA I would love to chat!
i make alot of typos. I went to law school when I was 22. I was trial attorney for a while and liked the freedom of having my own practice, but did not like the money (my best year i made about 55k- worst about 35k). Then I jumped to transactional work for the energy services co. im with now, and i like the money (i make about 95k now), and not the work... What i've discovered is that i like growing businesses, but dont really have a lot of love for the work itself (of any kind really). I like the journey. Im easily bored and like to have my finger in a lot of pies.
I was searching on a job board for a second/third job (i also have job as part time faculty at a local university). Basically, Im greedy, but I dont mind working for it.

Would this be because any slightly retarded chimp can pass an insurance test? And the stringent rules are a whopping 2 day prep course that bascially covers what's on the test?

Our laws here in Louisiana are still under the Napoleatic Code instead of the English Code so I don't think that chimp would fare well here, but other than that it is a breeze if you study and pay attention in class(if your eyeballs don't fall out with boredom)