New Guy


New Member
I am new to this industry (career change) and I am looking forward to operating my own agency.

I am looking at Allstate and would appreciate any advice on what questions, issues, needs, to ask for from this company in establishing a new agency with them.
I am very interested in developing a new and productive career in the insurance business.

If they ask for a list of 100 of your friends and relatives, give them names out of the phone book. If you like you can use my name. LOL Now you only have 99 to go.

That is a lame thing to ask someone to do.

I once looked into State Farm and that is what they wanted me to do. I don't have 100 friends and relatives. I'm counting now and I'm up to 5. :D
If they ask for a list of 100 of your friends and relatives, give them names out of the phone book. If you like you can use my name. LOL Now you only have 99 to go.

That is a lame thing to ask someone to do.

I once looked into State Farm and that is what they wanted me to do. I don't have 100 friends and relatives. I'm counting now and I'm up to 5. :D
I had the same experience with State Farm. I passed their test and all the other crap and was told I could work "for" them. When I was told I had to list all my friends and family was had a quota for their terrible life plans, I passed.

Frank, I'm pissed off at you for bailing on the trip to Vegas so now you are back to 4 friends.

Frank, I'm pissed off at you for bailing on the trip to Vegas so now you are back to 4 friends.


I will fly in to Vegas around the end of October. I'm just way too busy right now, you know that. Can I at least count you as 1/4 of a friend right now? The other four are relatives, not friends. :D
I am Chinese and in chinese culture, it's much easier to sell insurance through relatives and friends. But here in the US, I have found it hard for me to even open up my mouth to tell my American relatives and friends that I'm selling insurance not to mention preparing to sell to them..( of course i'm not gonna just simply use the word 'sell ' in front of them. )

I would not start up on my relatives and friends..not until they see me doing very well and successful and come to me for a quote..
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I agree. If they have a project 100 or even worse a project 200, then they are only looking for you to sell your friends and relatives and they really do not have a good lead system.

What happens when you exhaust your list???