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Hello everyone. I am a new life agent in eastern NC. I passed my exams a few days ago and am just waiting for all of the paperwork to be finalized to get my appointment with American General (a subsidiary of AIG).
I am new to the field having worked in manufacturing management my entire career. It was simply fate that landed me here I suppose. I got an e-mail from the General Manager who liked my resume when he saw it on He thought I would be a good fit, and after meeting with them a few times and researching the industry I felt like it would be something that I could do well and would enjoy.
Part of American General's pre-employment process is to have a prospective candidate do what they call Market Surveys. Essentially some basic questions about the insurance industry and then explaining that I am considering a position with the company, and I ask the people I am surveying if they would allow me the courtesy of watching a 20 minute video presentation if I do start working with AG.
I am new to the state and while I do have some family here, I don't know many people. I've joined a church and the Ruritans club trying to branch out and meet folks. I was told yesterday that my tentative start date will be March 17th and they want me to have 100 names to call the day I start. I did the 10 market surveys they gave me and I'll be able to come up with more names, but I'm not sure that I can come up with 100 names.
So now I am suffering from some major anxiety.
Let me say that this is something that I really want to do. I see it as an honorable profession and I love the idea that I will be providing product and services that help people. And the people at AG seem very knowledgeable and have been very nice to me. It seems to be a great working environment.
I am really stuck on this 100 names thing though. And I fear that if this is a problem now, that I may have trouble with it in the future. Conversely, I know over time I will meet more people and it will be easier in that regard. For some reason it feels like it will be easier to prospect "strangers" or mild acquantances than family.
So I guess I am wondering about a couple things:
a. Is this a normal experience/feeling for someone new to the field?
b. How can I come up with 100 names?
1. I am considering going door-to-door this weekend and next doing the market surveys
2. I am thinking of asking some people in church for help with this, but that seems desperate.
3. Pardon my ignorance, but is cold-calling literally cold-calling strangers? Where do you start with something like that?
I've also run into real reluctance from people when I ask if they can provide me with a few names of people to speak with. I know that's how it is supposed to work, but people just say "i can't think of anyone right now" or something along those lines.
I really do want to do this as I said before. I hope this is not a sign that I'm not cut out for this industry. Thanks in advance for any help or advice you can give!
I am new to the field having worked in manufacturing management my entire career. It was simply fate that landed me here I suppose. I got an e-mail from the General Manager who liked my resume when he saw it on He thought I would be a good fit, and after meeting with them a few times and researching the industry I felt like it would be something that I could do well and would enjoy.
Part of American General's pre-employment process is to have a prospective candidate do what they call Market Surveys. Essentially some basic questions about the insurance industry and then explaining that I am considering a position with the company, and I ask the people I am surveying if they would allow me the courtesy of watching a 20 minute video presentation if I do start working with AG.
I am new to the state and while I do have some family here, I don't know many people. I've joined a church and the Ruritans club trying to branch out and meet folks. I was told yesterday that my tentative start date will be March 17th and they want me to have 100 names to call the day I start. I did the 10 market surveys they gave me and I'll be able to come up with more names, but I'm not sure that I can come up with 100 names.
So now I am suffering from some major anxiety.
Let me say that this is something that I really want to do. I see it as an honorable profession and I love the idea that I will be providing product and services that help people. And the people at AG seem very knowledgeable and have been very nice to me. It seems to be a great working environment.
I am really stuck on this 100 names thing though. And I fear that if this is a problem now, that I may have trouble with it in the future. Conversely, I know over time I will meet more people and it will be easier in that regard. For some reason it feels like it will be easier to prospect "strangers" or mild acquantances than family.
So I guess I am wondering about a couple things:
a. Is this a normal experience/feeling for someone new to the field?
b. How can I come up with 100 names?
1. I am considering going door-to-door this weekend and next doing the market surveys
2. I am thinking of asking some people in church for help with this, but that seems desperate.
3. Pardon my ignorance, but is cold-calling literally cold-calling strangers? Where do you start with something like that?
I've also run into real reluctance from people when I ask if they can provide me with a few names of people to speak with. I know that's how it is supposed to work, but people just say "i can't think of anyone right now" or something along those lines.
I really do want to do this as I said before. I hope this is not a sign that I'm not cut out for this industry. Thanks in advance for any help or advice you can give!