New Royal Neighbors Rates

I'm looking at the new rates and it's not that bad... a few bucks more in many cases but not enough to "drop em"... in all honesty, if your with an IMO that provides a lead and uses em as a main carrier, this is no real issue... rate-wise... now if we are talking about losing 5% on each sale, well, that can build up by the end of the year... not cool!
I'm looking at the new rates and it's not that bad... a few bucks more in many cases but not enough to "drop em"... in all honesty, if your with an IMO that provides a lead and uses em as a main carrier, this is no real issue... rate-wise... now if we are talking about losing 5% on each sale, well, that can build up by the end of the year... not cool!
Haven't they explained it to you yet..."We cut the commissions but we raised the rates so you will make the same amount per sale. It is not like you are going to be making less money.":D
it looks like RNA will be about where Americo's rates are at 65. Oxford and 5 Star will get more business, might make getting things issued a little slow at 5 Star
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I've been trying to run Fexquotes on the ages now compared to what they will be, but even with the correction they didnt fix the price per $1000 pages and I'm not doing the math to compare a bunch of them.
I got the new rates as well. They raised them quite a bit on the young folks but not much after 65 it appears.

I haven't got any email about lowering commissions.
I got both emails. The second one is supposedly the revised one. Looks like we were misinformed on the policy fee not being commissionable. it says clearly here that it is commissionable.

As for the commission cuts some IMO's claim they are getting cut 10%. Mine says 5%.

I guess we will see next week?
Yes I got an email from them earlier today. I won't be using RNA after this week. Guess I'm gonna have to break out Oxford.

Ok, I got the email went to my junk mail folder, thats funny cause none of their 15 emails a month on ULs never go to my junk mail folder.

But there's no new agent or rate guide attached, nothing...just says its changing June 10th. Were the rates attached?