I nominate Wheeler as the next president of the United States. That guy can get the people behind him.
Let me tell you what he needs to do in order to win.
1. Enforce our boarders! This also includes sending their butts home. Stop giving them anything that we have to pay for!
2. Bring home our soldiers in all of these countries. We are not the world police. Example 50,000 Troops in Germany and North Korea.
3. www.fairtax.org Just do a flat sale tax. This way everyone pays the same tax.
4. Reward those that work and stop rewarding people that don't or keeps having children after they cant afford them.
5. Make Pot Legal.
6. 0% Interest on Student loans.
7. Get rid of the Fed REserve.
8. No one in gov't can make more than 50k a year.
9. Make the gov't stop trying to control everything. Why must I have a permit to have a yard sale?
10. Stop all this health Care Insurance Reform Crap!
I can keep going, but that is enough for now.