New User and Can't Reply to My PM's

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Did your parents ever tell you that the boogie man would get you if you weren't good? In later life I learned that the boogie man was CMS.
My parents used to tie us up in a burlap sack with two wild alley cats and throw us in the river.

The couple of us kids who survived that sure did what they said the next time.

Man, those were the good ol' days.
By the way I have through patience moved into the number two posting slot on this thread. I have been like the turtle persistent. This thread is also only about 200 posts from moving into second place on the all time total posts in a thread. Number one may just be attainable. Who would have ever believed it. Where are you Wheeler?
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Well, I blame them for raising me not to eat meat.

I blame my mamma for teaching me to eat everything. Consequently, I have big problems with my weight.
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I nominate Wheeler as the next president of the United States. That guy can get the people behind him.
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