News & Info Related To 2017 Open Enrollment

Thanks for sharing that.

Oh, and another BOHICA moment, TN rate increase requests are out. Not looking pretty. (one of the big carriers over 50%, most of the others 20%+)
June 16, 2016

FYI, a few subsidized clients will NOT be automatically re-enrolled in their Obamacare plan on January 1, 2017.

"Automatic Re-enrollment Changes

The largest change is not expected to affect a significant group of people, but it intends to close a loophole that many insurers have complained about. It will affect enrollees who are using APTC or income-based CSR and meet the following criteria:

1.Were automatically re-enrolled for the 2015 calendar year;
2.Failed to submit an updated application during 2015 or 2016 Open Enrollment;
3.Fail to submit an updated application before December 15, 2016;
4.Did not file taxes in 2014 or 2015.

For those meeting these criteria, their Marketplace Insurance Plan will not be renewed on January 1, 2017."


Not sure I trust a zane article, but if its true, that's fine. People who don't file taxes shouldn't get a subsidy. Ugh. That kind of stuff makes me nutty
Not sure I trust a zane article, but if its true, that's fine. People who don't file taxes shouldn't get a subsidy. Ugh. That kind of stuff makes me nutty

I agree, KGMom. People who don't file taxes shouldn't get the subsidy. I wonder how many "conscientious tax objectors" there are in the country?

On another financial note, Obama is throwing $22 million to state insurance commissioners as a bribe..oops!, I mean as an INCENTIVE for them to work harder at keeping 2017 premiums in check.

Story: White House Is Spending Millions to Battle Obamacare Rate Hikes | The Fiscal Times

This administration must have found over the past 7 years, that throwing money at problems makes them invisible.
What a waste of money, and it will backfire on them with carriers pulling out if they don't get the requested rate increases. They are going to make the market options even smaller. Idiots.

That's why the MLR is there in the first place. Profits are capped, but losses are unlimited. There was no money in the reinsurance pool for those that priced too low and lost money. They won't let it happen again in 2017 and will price at breakeven or up to 5% profit potential. They have claims experience to now prove the rate requests this year.

Money would be better spent on paying us to overcome the high prices and enroll people.
The 300% f.p.l. clawback and double h.s.a deductions could be on they way....not

House may vote on big HSA deduction increase | LifeHealthPro

That's a weird legislation configuration. The HSA expansion component was crafted by Dr. Jekyll, and the expanded subsidy clawback by Mr. Hyde.


The Obama Administration if Fed Up with young people avoiding their civic duty by not buying Obamascrew health insurance. Or, cancelling it, just because the premium is more than they can afford!

Before 2017 Open Enrollment commences, Obama's storm troopers (aka "HHS") will switch tactics to entice young people. Gone are the contests to see who can be the biggest brown-nosers in America.

With assistance from the IRS, these contests are being replaced with good old-fashioned intimidation and blackmail! :skeptical:

Hit em with the IRS hammer: HHS outlines plans to prod younger, healthier people into Obamacare - Washington Times

What will really make an impact is "sign up 4 obamascrew or we're taking away your smartphone and yur chatsnap and twiddle. IRS threats are not enough to get young people to sign up
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What will really make an impact is "sign up 4 obamascrew or we're taking away your smartphone and yur chatsnap and twiddle. IRS threats are not enough to get young people to sign up

Ahhhhh hahahahh!

Yesssssssssss! My thoughts exactly. These millenials will need all the healthcare they can get too. Spend 18 hours laying on the bed snap chatting, tweeting, instragraming, whatever the hell else they can find (no Facebook or LinkIn as those are for old people).

The retards will spend $15 per month on insurance for their smartphone but won't spend it on a life insurance policy. Got that from many a ACA Family Enrollments where they have children and bill to pay, assets to keep, refuse to buy life insurance.

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Ahhhhh hahahahh!

Yesssssssssss! My thoughts exactly. These millenials will need all the healthcare they can get too. Spend 18 hours laying on the bed snap chatting, tweeting, instragraming, whatever the hell else they can find (no Facebook or LinkIn as those are for old people).

The retards will spend $15 per month on insurance for their smartphone but won't spend it on a life insurance policy. Got that from many a ACA Family Enrollments where they have children and bill to pay, assets to keep, refuse to buy life insurance.

Yep.. Many millennials definitely have their priorities stacked in the wrong order of importance. They're pretty dumb to pay $15 @ for smartphone insurance that comes with a $250 deductible and more exclusions than pre-ACA health plans.

But then, they're not really in to reading things like this , so they get pissed off at claim time, and proceed to rant on Twitter, or whatever.