News & Info Related To 2017 Open Enrollment

What I find amusing, is that the administration is so concerned about enrollment and the "message" including spending tons of money reaching out to the young healthy population to enroll, and to those that paid the penalty last year. That takes a salesperson to convince them to buy.

Response: Completely ignore agents and commissions collapse, and hand out another $63 million to Navigators for 2017 who probably won't make the effort to make the sale.

Ignoring agents will backfire.
You know, I actually expect exchange enrollment to go up next year which they will tout as this wonderful accomplishment.

The reality is that many carriers aren't offering compliant coverage off-exchange at all anymore, so consumers will be forced to go through the exchange to get a compliant plan even if they don't want to.
The off exchange market is also imploding.
This forces everyone to buy thru the exchange.
Overall enrollment will go up, but other things also will go up to show the true numbers:

Average policy price will go up a LOT with non subsidized in the mix now.
I'm tired of hearing that the average price is under $75/mo.

Percentage of those that get APTC will go DOWN.
I'm tired of hearing that 87% receive APTC

Percentage of those on HMO's will go up
Number of people paying the penalty will go up.