News & Info Related To 2017 Open Enrollment

That takes a salesperson to convince them to buy.

Someone needs to sign up Obama. That guy could sell anything. He sold the voter on putting him in office TWICE. In almost 8 years he has failed to deliver on a single promise. Yet he has convinced himself and a number of lemmings that he could be elected a third time if not for that damn Constitution.
What I find amusing, is that the administration is so concerned about enrollment and the "message" including spending tons of money reaching out to the young healthy population to enroll, and to those that paid the penalty last year. That takes a salesperson to convince them to buy.

Response: Completely ignore agents and commissions collapse, and hand out another $63 million to Navigators for 2017 who probably won't make the effort to make the sale.

Ignoring agents will backfire.

we might be able to make more money as Navigators this coming open enrollment. should be a piece of cake with only one or two companies to choose from! a ton of cross-selling opportunities will present themselves too.
CT...........Another 1 carrier state (and new swing state).

State Says ConnectiCare Ending Sale Of Obamacare Policies - Hartford Courant

State leaders announced late Monday afternoon that ConnectiCare will not sell Obamacare policies on the state's insurance exchange next year.

Despite the state's announcement, ConnectiCare — which covers nearly 50,000 people in the state — said the company would still like to sell policies if it wins an appeal on what rate it can charge.

"They are terminating their agreement and exiting the state's health care exchange,'' Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman and Jim Wadleigh, CEO of Access Health CT, said in a joint statement released Monday afternoon.

ConnectictiCare's departure comes as two smaller insurers on the exchange — UnitedHealthcare and HealthyCT — have also departed. Without ConnectiCare, only Anthem would remain selling policies under the exchanges.


Arm twisting in action:

Connecticut exchange barely keeps second carrier | LifeHealthPro
I reviewed Arizona Hospitals financial summary reports sent to DOI. 2014 and 2015 statements did not show any significant changes in patient volume, gross patient charges and net patient revenue.

I reviewed 2013 financial summary and the only item I noticed was gross patient charges increased by 5 billion in 2014. However, net patient revenue didn't increase for 2013, 2014, 2015. (if insurance companies were paying more for claims, net patient revenue would show an increase)

This it what the government is looking at and I agree that insurance companies have no legitimate reason for raising rates. A sicker population that is claimed for increasing rates is not supported by the yearly net patient revenue since this number has remained unchanged from 2013-2015.

The patient volume from year to year has also remained unchanged.

The excuse given by these insurance carriers that the exchange population is sicker than what was projected so therefore they are costing them more is not supported by the evidence. There are most likely problems with all of the fees that the government is imposing on them and the subsidy payments not sent to them in a timely fashion and/or the full amount that they expected.
MOST of the state DOIs and also HHS are (so far) allowing the rate increases for 2017 without change. Must be some hard numbers coming from Health Insurers, in order to gain approval of their big 2017 premium increases.
MOST of the state DOIs and also HHS are (so far) allowing the rate increases for 2017 without change. Must be some hard numbers coming from Health Insurers, in order to gain approval of their big 2017 premium increases.

I wonder when the public's breaking point will be when they all say insurance coverage is no longer affordable for me.
I wonder when the public's breaking point will be when they all say insurance coverage is no longer affordable for me.

Unfortionatly those negatively effected are usually muted, While those with great subsidies and that have benefited are paraded around as if it were the norm
insurance companies have no legitimate reason for raising rates.

You are right. They are just making up the figures to pad their bottom line.

FWIW hospital claims are typically around 40 - 45% of total claim dollars. So you are only looking at partial data.

The excuse given by these insurance carriers that the exchange population is sicker than what was projected so therefore they are costing them more is not supported by the evidence.

Have you examined carrier loss reports or are you just pulling this assumption out of your butt?