Not a Bad FE Day.


Still Here!
5000 Post Club
Niota, TN
Decided it was so nice outside, I would make a few calls today. Made 14 cold door knocks.. managed to have a sit down interwiew with 2.. Sold one.. 10K, $47 month... Stopped at a Mom and Pop store for a sandwich.. Wrote them a $36.00 per month Cancer plan.. (I know. Some of you don't believe in these plans but I do.) But, the best part of the day was when I stopped to see a carnival glass collector I have know for several years to show him a piece I bought at auction last week ($25.00) .. Sold it to him for $475.00.. Days like this are so few and far between, I might just take off the rest of the month!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
I might just take off the rest of the month!:biggrin:

Yes, when things fall your way they tend to all fall heads up. Yes, I'd say take the rest of the DAY off... BUT, get you azz back to work by 8:30 sharp tomorrow am. :1tongue:

Why not ride the wave while it is blowing in your direction... You may just go out and sell two or three tomorrow.
Decided it was so nice outside, I would make a few calls today. Made 14 cold door knocks.. managed to have a sit down interwiew with 2.. Sold one.. 10K, $47 month... Stopped at a Mom and Pop store for a sandwich.. Wrote them a $36.00 per month Cancer plan.. (I know. Some of you don't believe in these plans but I do.) But, the best part of the day was when I stopped to see a carnival glass collector I have know for several years to show him a piece I bought at auction last week ($25.00) .. Sold it to him for $475.00.. Days like this are so few and far between, I might just take off the rest of the month!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
So do I beleive in Cancer ins! Go get em!!
Yes, when things fall your way they tend to all fall heads up. Yes, I'd say take the rest of the DAY off... BUT, get you azz back to work by 8:30 sharp tomorrow am. :1tongue:

Why not ride the wave while it is blowing in your direction... You may just go out and sell two or three tomorrow.

Yes Daddy!:) But, you sure are hard on an old man.. I am 67, drawing a small pension, a few renewals, social security, dabble in the antique trade and my church still pays me more than I deserve. Used to sell insurance because I had to in order to eat.. Now, I have the priviledge of doing so because I enjoy it. Everyone should be so fortunate. Not saying that I have so much that the money doesn't come in handy so if you are telling me I have to go again tomorrow, then I guess I will. :laugh:
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Yes Daddy!:) But, you sure are hard on an old man.. I am 67, drawing a small pension, a few renewals, social security, dabble in the antique trade and my church still pays me more than I deserve. Used to sell insurance because I had to in order to eat.. Now, I have the priviledge of doing so because I enjoy it. Everyone should be so fortunate. Not, saying that I have so much that the money doesn't come in handy so if you are telling me I have to go again tomorrow, then I guess I will. :laugh:

I hear ya on that age thing, and I am right behind you.

But, you could be looking at this thing upside down... looking at whether you need to go out and do this again tomorrow... NO you don't. BUT, if you stay home tomorrow you will be depriving someone that really needs to see you, needs the product, and if you don't get them into it, maybe no one else will either. Their family may be up the proverbial creek w/o a paddle unless you do your part. ;)
So do I beleive in Cancer ins! Go get em!!

Yeah.. I should have believed in a little stronger a couple of years ago. When I turned 65, I redid my insurance. Got my med supp and cancelled the CP I had carried for years. 7 months later I was taking Chemo and radiation.. Has to be a lesson in there somewhere.
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I hear ya on that age thing, and I am right behind you.

But, you could be looking at this thing upside down... looking at whether you need to go out and do this again tomorrow... NO you don't. BUT, if you stay home tomorrow you will be depriving someone that really needs to see you, needs the product, and if you don't get them into it, maybe no one else will either. Their family may be up the proverbial creek w/o a paddle unless you do your part. ;)

Gee, the butt kicking was enough.. told you I would go.. And, now you lay down a guilt trip!... Just who are you (or were you) a manager for?:noteworthy: :1laugh::laugh:
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Who do you find, as far as company goes that has a good Ci plan?

By CI, I assume you mean Critical Illness and not a Cancer Plan. I use AGLA for the few CI that I write. For cancer, I personally prefer the benefit incurred plans over the lump sum and I use AGLA and Central United. Seems most companies that write Cancer plans have gone to UMP Sum First Occurrence plans and good expense incurred plans are getting hard to find.
Decided it was so nice outside, I would make a few calls today. Made 14 cold door knocks.. managed to have a sit down interwiew with 2.. Sold one.. 10K, $47 month... Stopped at a Mom and Pop store for a sandwich.. Wrote them a $36.00 per month Cancer plan.. (I know. Some of you don't believe in these plans but I do.) But, the best part of the day was when I stopped to see a carnival glass collector I have know for several years to show him a piece I bought at auction last week ($25.00) .. Sold it to him for $475.00.. Days like this are so few and far between, I might just take off the rest of the month!:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Congrats....mines wasnt as sweet as yours!!

1 No show appt @ 12, then 4 door knocks-
1- Not Int.
2- Not home
3- Sleep (I told daughter Id be back this afternoon)
4- Home, had already cancelled 2 appts before, but again said he didnt have time & didnt let me in nor set an appt.

Out of 4 appts Ive had in my short FE career, none have held that a big enough sample to worry that Im doing something wrong or not?

1 was a no show (today)
1 re-scheduled at the door for this wed
2 others were the guy above cancelling, both times an hr before appt time

Nothing wrong with that day........sounds perfectly normal!

What seems glaringly obvious to me is:

1) You did not do enough knocks.
2) You stopped prematurely.

My history has always told me that you need to have at LEAST 10 good quality conversations a day in order to make sales the same day.

Also, my workday starts at 9am and finishes when I make a sale........
