Duaine, quit worrying. I don't think this is going to hurt anyone. Think about it, who the hell wants to deal with the gov? Run a campaign letting people know you can help with health care reform.
Like I said in the "HHS competing with Agents" thread, the government will get a few million people to forgo using an agent, due to the way the new healthcare.gov website is being structured to capture people. But that's OK.
I'm looking forward to gloating over the statistics after the initial open enrollment period is over. I wager that agents will enroll MORE QHP insureds than any of the other available methods (Navigator, Assister, 800#, UncleSam, etc.).
I predict the carriers selling inside the exchanges that have the most success will use agents.
In Indiana we have 2 of the 4 carriers using the agent distribution model.
I have not idea how the others are going to get any traction.
I don't think they know and judging by the people they hired they will have difficulties.