Not your ordinary CRM thread…

Customized Radius sounds pretty rad. The thing I hate about using radius, is every time I want to to do something, I have to watch a "how to" video. And if im not exactly certain what I am trying to do, then I have to figure that out first as well. Then watch another video. Takes forever.

Sort of like DIY car maintenance, while I am also needing to drive the car.
The bad part about Radius is that you have to customize so much. Kinda like adopting a kid.

The hardest part when raising an adopted kid is teaching them to look like you.
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The bad part about Radius is that you have to customize so much. Kinda like adopting a kid.

The hardest part when raising an adopted kid is teaching them to look like you.

Yeah, I agree. I sort of gave up on customizing things a long while ago. I primarily use it to store data. It's still a pretty useful tool for the price point.

However I wish I had hung on to my discounted price I got in with years ago, through a group affiliation, but I lost that when I upgraded, ive since downgraded back

You just need to adopt more kids, you will get the teaching thing down