Nuclear Option


5000 Post Club
Man, this is going to be rich before it is all over. If the dems want to self-destruct why dont they just pass the Kool-Aid around as in Jonestown and have it over with. Going nuclear will work out fine for any Congressman who is not up for re-election next fall. ie. they are retiring or planning on committing suicide. Keep in mind that the nuclear option is also combined with the no-transparency, total secrecy. Voters are going to love that. Say what we will about the dems but there are moderates who will not drink that kool-aid because they want to live to see their families again.

The solution: I have no idea. It's their mess to clean up. Do whatever you want. You can table the bill and schedule a bipartisan conference committee to look at alternatives in order to save face. Or you you can ram something destructive through and just watch the blood continue to flow for the next year. I like both of those. Do one of those or nothing or whatever. Not encouraging republicans to be bipartisan at this point. If junior needs to live down at the homeless shelter for a few months to think about his drug problem some more, I dont have a whole bunch of alternatives for him for a while. As long as he has all the answers and has been saying for months that he doenst need me then he just needs to keep working with that. - Top Senate Democrat Outlines 'Nuclear Option' Strategy for Health Care
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I'm not sure if even Obama is dumb enough to sign legislation into law that was placed on his desk through reconciliation - especially leglisation as major as this.

If he does and it's not a resounding success he might as well not ever bother running.
Obama will sign whatever George Soros and his buddies at Goldman Sachs tells him to.

Seriously - what does Obama care? He just wants to head up the UN after this gig. BTW would be nice if we could move the UN HQ to UAE.....the tallest building in the world.
I'm not sure if even Obama is dumb enough to sign legislation into law that was placed on his desk through reconciliation - especially leglisation as major as this.

If he does and it's not a resounding success he might as well not ever bother running.

It can't be a resounding success, because most of the major provisions won't take effect before the 2012 Presidential Election. Which means he'll have to justify pissing off 60%+ of the population who are against the bill after forcing it through in a partisan way. And that won't happen, especially against someone like Romney who will kick his butt tearing down his economic policies.

I'm thinking Romney 2012 is the way to go for the 'Pubs at this point. Just hope he doesn't pick someone as stupid as Palin and ruin his opportunity. I'm thinking Pawlenty would be the way to go.
I'm thinking Romney 2012 is the way to go for the 'Pubs at this point. Just hope he doesn't pick someone as stupid as Palin and ruin his opportunity. I'm thinking Pawlenty would be the way to go.

I'll second action right there.
Of course I'd much prefer one of the Paul's but ...
John: Obama will do whatever to advance the liberal cause, even to his own demise. I think you are wrong, respectfully.
You may be right. However, at least I was right in predicting that Obama has turned out the be EXACTLY the kind of president I know he'd be.

I'm sure all of his supporters are still trying to get the hooks out of their mouths.

The only good news is in a few more years this country will yank right back to the right.
It is sad, the republicans will pick up the reigns and jerk this country to a hard fascist right, and before our economy goes Weimer, we might get a chance to vote the bums out, take back our local seats from career politicians, and reinvigorate the 10th amendment via state senates. We the people, when we snap out of our nap of luxury, are the only check on the three branches of government...
It is sad, the republicans will pick up the reigns and jerk this country to a hard fascist right, and before our economy goes Weimer, we might get a chance to vote the bums out, take back our local seats from career politicians, and reinvigorate the 10th amendment via state senates. We the people, when we snap out of our nap of luxury, are the only check on the three branches of government...

I agree and hope this is less of a mandate against democrats as a mandate against the growth of government.

Libertarians should have a real chance over the next 3 years to help take our country back from the big govt. Reps and the even bigger govt. Dems.

But make no mistake about it, both parties are basically the same. They believe the govt. needs to control our lives.
