Obama Administration Maps Out Detour Around HealthCare.gov


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Obama Administration Maps Out Detour Around HealthCare.gov
People interested in buying health insurance under Obamacare could soon skip the HealthCare.gov website and apply for coverage and financial assistance directly with private insurance companies and online brokers, the Obama administration said Tuesday, in its latest effort to work around the faulty website.
The solution is so simple-enroll directly with insurance companies, calculate subsidies based on stated income, provide support documentation attached to the app, and let the financial underwriting process replace the medical underwriting process.

If they are taking this step it's just a matter of time until someone figures this out-the administration is going to be desperate to claim some kind of victory and this would give it to them.
but . . . . . . ..................................................

Although going directly to a health insurance company or a private broker would mean consumers couldn't comparison shop for all available options,
Today, I watched about an hour on cspan, of the discussion on how this piece of the puzzle is "supposed" to work.

Here are the highlights of what was said.

1. It was the administration's goal all along to have insurer's involved in enrollment. But, the administration needed to get healthcare.gov linked to all the players first.
2. You "should" be able to log into say BCBS and they will link behind the scenes to healthcare.gov (ONLY healthcare.gov is able to determine the subsidy!!!!!)
The system will then link you back to BCBS to shop..
3. You could at that point leave BCBS and use your subsidy with another carrier.
4. The administration is excited to get this next step rolled out as that was their intention all along. They are wanting as many avenues as possible to get folks enrolled.

Now, the really sad, funny, part of the program had one person talking about the first ..... wait for it... wait for it.... 120 enrollees.. LMAO. They were happy that 12% were 18-29 year olds and another 10% were 30 - 40 year olds. Most had purchased platinum plans. 26 folks in all.. wheee Those should balance out the folks I've enrolled that are waiting for chemo, heart surgery, etc. etc. etc.

Another panelest, from the Austin, Tx area. She is in charge of 6 clinic locations and they are working with the folks that use the clinic. Roughly, around 60,000 patients in all that will need help. She stated they are uneducated, lack the basic insurance knowledge, language barrier for many, untrusting of the government, afraid folks living in their home that are not legal citizens will be found out and deported, and a myrid of other challenges. Lots of folks falling into the black hole, make too much for Medicaid but not enough for a subsidy. Her clinics have received a grant to help enroll ...... couple hundred thousand. They have enrolled...........Six folks since Oct 1.... Give me a hundred thousand and I will enroll 7..

back to the carrier websites; They did mention brokers and agents quite often and said that they need us, because without us there will be anywhere from 20%-28% of folks unable to enroll. As they do not have the tools or the knowledge to do this on their own. U think??

Not sure when this will be ready to roll but are hoping for Dec 2013.. Also, the question was asked about the Dec 23rd deadline and the spoke women from Washington said" We are telling folks Dec 13th" With the holidays many businesses will be closed... and it could happen that their enrollement won't make it for a Jan 1st effective date. ( the more important task at hand is getting the backend of this beast working... the payment part)

Wish I would have paid more attention, but I was taking a nap....:SLEEP:
Thanks RoadRunner for taking the time to share all this with us! The best news (IMHO) is that we might be able to stay away from HealthCare.gov entirely. I hate/detest/deplore the registration process there! It's much easier at the carriers' websites.

Based on this quote: "They did mention brokers and agents quite often and said that they need us, because without us there will be anywhere from 20%-28% of folks unable to enroll. As they do not have the tools or the knowledge to do this on their own. U think??"

Does the government think that Agents and Brokers are the best fit for working with the uneducated? No wonder HHS holds us in such low esteem. That's what they hired Assisters and Navigators for.

If they did some basic research, HHS-CMS would find that our clients are in the higher percentiles of income and education.
Most had purchased platinum plans.

You can bet anyone purchasing a Plat plan has some medical issues. Haven't sold any yet. A few Gold, mostly Silver and Bronze.

All off exchange.

Give me a hundred thousand and I will enroll 7..

You are just being greedy.

Does the government think that Agents and Brokers are the best fit for working with the uneducated?

I don't have time for that crowd. Have enough trouble with folks who can't master the English language, and no I don't mean Tater. He talks good Texan. Just can't spell worth a damn.

Why don't they just issue vouchers? When Katrina hit the govt handed out pre-loaded debit cards that could be used as cash, which is just as good as money. (Gotta love Yogi).

They could have done the same here and skipped all this BS and expense. Go to your local welfare office or call an 800 number on your Obamaphone. Get your subsidy voucher and go shopping for health insurance.
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But, we have always had that link with FBlue that takes us to subsidy app and back to enroll, it just doesn't always work for all agents, about half of us can get in and half cannot.
November 27, 2013

EZ-APP? Sounds like EZ-Clawback, and it's all because of desperate Obama Administration's desire to avoid egg-on-face come December 1st. If Republicans are smart, they should add this to their "war chest" for use during the 2014 campaigns. Not getting Obamacare repealed is the best thing that could have happened for them!

"Days before the Obama administration's self-imposed Nov. 30 deadline for fixing HealthCare.gov, its technology team is scrambling to build a new part of the Web site as a workaround that would enable more people to buy health insurance without relying directly on the site.

The new mechanism, EZ App, would permit people who are eligible for financial help from the government to enroll for coverage without calculating an exact subsidy amount, which has been a major stumbling block, according to government and insurance industry officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to be frank. It would allow call centers, and eventually insurance companies and brokers, to help people enroll based on estimates of what their federal subsidies would be.

Story: HealthCare.gov tech team scrambling to create workaround for site before deadline - The Washington Post