Obama Forced to Appeal - Thank-you Judge Vinson

Ann H

5000 Post Club
Today, the Obama administration filed their appeal of Judge Vinson's ruling that the individual mandate was unconstitutional.

Some people misunderstand Judge Vinson's recent decision to stay his ruling. They thought Obama had won. But the "stay" was dependent upon the Obama administration filing an appeal within 7 calendar days, either to the Appellate court or to the Supreme Court. It made Obama move forward quickly, and got Judge Vinson out of the difficult position of an injunction on implementation of a law that 2 other judges found constitutional! Smart.

The Obama administration filed the appeal at the Appellate court level today, rather than going direct to the Supreme Court. That's okay, that's their right. It gives them a little more procrastination during which time they can dig deeper roots. That's why they took 2 weeks to ask Judge Vinson to clarify whether or not his decision meant they should stop implementing the law. Judge Vinson managed to get this whole case fast-forwarded to a final decision.
I agree but the horse of our the barn. Most states have already received millions and have started to set up their exchanges.

IMHO, even if the individual mandate is struck down it'll be business as usual and we'll see the exchanges set up and implemented in 2014.

If there's any precedent, Massachusetts has been hit by several lawsuits identical in nature; that its citizens cannot be compelled to purchase health insurance of face a fine. No court has ruled in their favor and the Mass. law stands.

If you're earning 400% of FLP - get worried. You're going to be staring down the barrel of $1,500 to possibly $3,000 mo. premiums (depending on age and family size) and while you might choose to sit out the pay the fine, it also means you family doesn't have health insurance which brings up a myriad of ramifications.

In Mass. you can imagine the lifestyle changes that some families have made who were just over the income level for premium assistance. At around $1,000 a month, if those families chose to suck it up you can imagine they are living very meagerly.

The winners in this game are people under 400% FLP and "the rich" who Obama defined as earning 250K+. I'll agree that anyone earning 250K will be ok. The biggest losers in this game will be households earning a combined income of $88K to $150K yet based on their lifestyle, don't have a lot left over each month. That group will get absolutely hammered.

The group earning from 88K to 150K and manage their money well, they will be forced to make difficult decisions regarding retirement and college savings. The bottom line is if health insurance is important and you're earning over 400% of FPL you have three years to get your financial ducks in a row.
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The group earning from 88K to 150K and manage their money well, they will be forced to make difficult decisions regarding retirement and college savings. The bottom line is if health insurance is important and you're earning over 400% of FPL you have three years to get your financial ducks in a row.

The dwindling middle class. Just another nail...
IMHO, even if the individual mandate is struck down it'll be business as usual and we'll see the exchanges set up and implemented in 2014.

It depends on the state you live in. Those in Blue states should worry! Exchanges are undoubtedly coming, and they may likely exclude agents completely. Those of us who live in Red states still have a lot to worry about, as exchanges may come anyway and we will have to fight to make sure they are set up correctly. In some states, exchanges will probably not be set up if PPACA is found unconstitutional.

If you're earning 400% of FLP - get worried...
Agreed. Whether PPACA continues or not, subsidies like that are probably a part of the future plan. Even if PPACA implodes, a domino effect occurs whenever states implement their own form of healthcare reform. If a few more states try that kind of "health care reform", which makes premiums spike, it will result in higher health care costs in neighboring states, too.

(Should I be happy that a destruction of my career might put me under 400% of FPL?)