Obama Health Care

Al, you have offended me. That takes a lot of effort, just so you know. People think that it is cool to bash Christianity these days. If you ever want your soul saved drop me a PM and I will be glad to put you on the right path.
Obama said in his speech that it is full speed ahead on health care reform and that we can't wait another year.

Spend it like you got it.
President BO: "Now is the time to jump-start job creation."

MSNBC: 75% of job creation comes from small businesses. Less than 1% of the stimulus plan addresses small businesses.

What's up with that? I'm all for education, energy, and yes, healthcare. But what do these things have to do with stimulating the economy and job creation....NOTHING. Energy should have been addressed decades ago. The cost of healthcare is a problem. The schools can be addressed at the local level.

Same old government mismanagement. Take care of your buddies at the top and give the people a $65 a month tax break. We'll have to wait a long time to see if the greater good plan works.

I'm just wondering who is paying for all this money that keeps getting spent year after year after year. Oh, that's right we're creating or SAVING 3 million jobs to pay for it by spending a trillion or so.

But wait, if we spend a trillion to create or save 3 million, then um, oh never mind. Oh that's right we're pulling out of Iraq, but but not yet, and we're going into Afghanistan so um, never mind.

It all makes sense now and I'm sure we'll have a balanced budget very soon and we'll all feel absolutely no pain ever again for anything whatsoever. I'm just glad to know that I can always go get a high paying construction job. :twitchy:
I must be confused...didn't Obama promise that it would cost families $2,500 per year less?

As some here know, I am already in a guaranteed issue state.

Later this week, I am moving a couple turning 65 into medicare supplement plans. They are currently paying 1700/mo with a private plan. That's 1700 a month EACH.

Change you can believe in.
As some here know, I am already in a guaranteed issue state.

Later this week, I am moving a couple turning 65 into medicare supplement plans. They are currently paying 1700/mo with a private plan. That's 1700 a month EACH.

Change you can believe in.

But dollar for dollar that is a great value when you consider the fine health care they are receiving. Just look to our soldiers to see what a fine system the Feds will provide!
Socialism is now running rampant in Washington. This guy is not the pragmatist I thought he would be he is a populist.

We as freedom loving Americans must stand against the forces that promote this nationalization and socialization.

I no more believe in socialized medicine than I believe in bank bailouts. If an enterprise is corrupt or poorly run then that enterprise should fail. If a person is stupid or naive that person should fail also. I am not my brother's keeper for my brother is an alcoholic drug addicted credit junkie who is getting his due. I believe in the darwinian dynamic...The strong will prevail...the weak will perish. I am seeing mediocrity and failure rewarded on a massive scale and we as Americans must fight this before we find ourselves subsistence slaves in the land of liberty. I weep for the future where we do what feels right instead of what is right. Where we take from the producers to give to the losers. Where we reward physical labor the same as we reward mental ingenuity.

A man is paid directly in proportion to how valuable he is and how much it will cost to replace him. Make yourself invaluable through education, training and accomplishment and you need never fear being laid off. For in most cases those laid off are the expendable; those a business can operate without.

Why are financial professionals such as ourselves paid so well? The reason is simple not all can do what the successful among us do. We rainmake for companies and as a result we are a profit center not a cost to a company. The reality is this is the highest paid sector in the world and the reason is that we are able to SELL. All jobs are dependent on Sales. Hence sales is the highest paid sector of the economy.

No Sales produced- No Production needed- No Adminstration needed- No Taxes Paid- No Government funded

The cold hard reality of economics must be produce and be of value or be discarded and join the masses of the forlorn multitude who blame causes and circumstances for the failures that originate within. Government will provide subsistence to the masses but do you really want social justice and economic equivalency at the expense of economic opportunity and social mobility. If so we have the prototype of this system 90 miles off Key West.

Not that I disagree with what you say, however you speak as if the United States has become the power it is because of being a total free market system. Which it has not.

Study Hamilton's Report on Manufacturers of 1791 and you will see what I mean.
Not that I disagree with what you say, however you speak as if the United States has become the power it is because of being a total free market system. Which it has not.

Study Hamilton's Report on Manufacturers of 1791 and you will see what I mean.

I don't deny that government has spurred industry and subsidized both agricultural and industrial interests however that is far different from cutting checks to people who never paid a dime of income tax.

Subsidies are necessary often for competition and the building of indigenous industries but how does it benefit the US to create labor intensive jobs with the stimulus in the age of technology? The pricetag is simply too high and the mitigating effect of having 8.1% unemployement versus 9% is basically irrelevant to the ecomy at large albeit there will be locallized pain.

We seemed to be engaged in an era of trying to land soft when what we need to do is fall first and then dust ourselves off and start over again.