Obama - health insurance guru

I think you mean "preventive" care.

What does your doctor wife do to cure colds? Probably what everyone does - drink lots of fluids and get some rest.

If people would quit visiting their doctors everytime they get a sniffle or ask for a CAT scan everytime they get a headache, all of our premiums would drop in half.

What??? Next your going to say that antibiotics are just for infections and are not suppose to be prescribed so the patient feels that they got their money's worth.:D
That's exactly it, people don't want to think, work or earn anything, they expect it handed to them. Sit by the fireplace and ask for heat without putting the wood in, it's sad and comical.

Some people I have run into were able to afford healthcare insurance and didn't because they knew that if somehthing happened and they needed care, they would get it from the government. Crooked way of thinking, but....
Why doesn't the government just buy gym memberships for all the 300 and 400 pounders and withhold their tax returns unless they visit the gym 3 times per week?