Obama Lies

If we get government controlled healthcare, where will the rich and powerful of the world go to get their treatment? At present they all come here. The Prime Minister of Canada was one of tthe most recent visitors.
You're out of your mind for thinking it is the solution. Not for thinking it will happen. Unfortunately it probably will come to pass, but it will only make things worse.

Exactly my point.

I think it will happen eventually and we'll not only go broke paying for it, but people will die because of rationing.

I have said it before, so I will say it again.

The US will NEVER have a single payor system.


1) The US cannot afford it

2) The government cannot realistically take over all hospitals, Dr's, insurance company's etc. Its impossible.

3) Its not in the psyche of the US to "provide for all"

Some will argue against those points, but in reality when it comes down to increasing taxes, Dr's being on the payroll of the federal government I suspect the US will vote with its feet and say "thank you, but no thanks"
I have said it before, so I will say it again.

The US will NEVER have a single payor system.


1) The US cannot afford it

2) The government cannot realistically take over all hospitals, Dr's, insurance company's etc. Its impossible.

3) Its not in the psyche of the US to "provide for all"

Some will argue against those points, but in reality when it comes down to increasing taxes, Dr's being on the payroll of the federal government I suspect the US will vote with its feet and say "thank you, but no thanks"

I don't think any country in the world can afford Single Payer...look at all the socialist countries in Europe they are all pulling back the government tit while the US plows headlong into the same mess.

About section 2, I think I could see the Drs and Hospitals being okay with Single payer if they had some sort of kicker included with the law allowing them the ability to earn those high incomes get rid of Liability Insurance and having Student Loans forgiven, what would be in it for the Hospitals well they disolve with a profit to the owners and now take up high paying government jobs without any of the hassle..

Section 3 the psyche...We might be turning a corner on that...I worry all the time about the amount of people in my state that either recieve government benefits or a paycheck from government work.
Its not just the money with Docs though.

I cannot imagine my local doc ever being ok with being "employed" by the gov. He enjoys his freedoms too much.

Imagine the gov telling you what times your insurance practice had to be open, what holidays you were entitled too?

Ain't ever going to happen.
I worry about the health exchanges and the 3% or 4% limit put on the carriers and how it will affect our commissions. All your hard work out the window?

Sorry you got me started. I used to be a dem when I was very young and then the Dems "left me" as Reagan said. It is not the party of JFK ("ask not what your country can do for you..") as some still think.

Being privy to Chicago politics, (my family was actually in it but not today's Daley) I knew he was a liar. In Chicago they actually campaign with "sure I didn't pay my taxes and sure I went bankrupt and so what if I let a bank fail, and so what if I stole some money or have ties to corruption, vote for me and your life will be better or else" And people actually do! Keep them dumb and keep winning is their motto. Find them a job cleaning the alleys and they'd "better vote for me or else."

But long ago, some did actually care about the "neighborhood" and things ran smoothly. Today's dem party is a joke.

And for the rest of the country, how can they know that someone is capable of such blatant lies when running for office. (good writers). But they know now and so we have a suspicious voter, as well as, depressed voter.

I am not sure if we can even recognize the parties now. I just hope Obama and his cronies all lose.
And I hope the GOP/Tea party can learn from the stupid things they did and turn this country around.
ok, I'll stop now :1mad:
We're not going to have single payer, but we will have government run health care. That is a done deal. DONE! (unless, that is, Obamacare gets dismantled by the next two election).
Blue Cross and the few that will remain will become utilities, mostly via the exchange(s). The government will completely dictate to these utility insurance companies what the coverage will be, what a fair profit is, etc.
If you don't understand the above, I ask what planet do you live on?
I don't think anyone actually believes Obama's promises, especially on health care. It breaks down by group, like this:

The Gimme Free Stuff group: "I don't care if health care reform causes great damage to the economy or the country. I don't care if it costs more than they say, because I don't pay income taxes anyway. I want stuff given to me because I deserve it, period. Gimme it, now."

The Compassionate American Left: "Of course it's going to cost a ton and significantly damage both access and quality, but I don't care. If we can insure just one person, it's all worth it, because I care. I really care. Plus, America is greedy and needs to be taken down a few notches anyway."

The American Idol group: "I have no idea what's going on, and I'm not going to make the effort to find out. But if I can get some free stuff, that's pretty cool."

The rest of us: "Holy crap, this is a freakin' disaster. What the hell!"

Obama calculated that the first three groups would get him elected, and he was right. They don't care if he's lying.

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