Obama on God's Side

Not sure where "God's partner for health care reform" came from, but there may be an indirect connection.

Unless this is simply another pile of used food from the industry lobby's bag of dirty tricks -- like pulling the plug on grandma, or coverage for illegal aliens.

As a lifelong, Christian, I understand the biblical dictates to help those less fortunate (even though the major mentality here will no doubt say they are illegals, or are cheap, or otherwise lazy, shiftless scum just looking for a free ride at their expense).

Jesus healed the sick, hung out with the poor, and admonished the Pharisees for their hypocracy and "enlightened self-interest". So, in a way, trying to get health care for our uninsured and underinsured citizens can be viewed as a type of Christian "mission".

I think it's a bit stretchy, though, to say that God is your co-pilot on the drive to health care reform -- if it's even true to begin with.

As a lifelong, Christian, I understand the biblical dictates to help those less fortunate (even though the major mentality here will no doubt say they are illegals, or are cheap, or otherwise lazy, shiftless scum just looking for a free ride at their expense).

Jesus healed the sick, hung out with the poor, and admonished the Pharisees for their hypocracy and "enlightened self-interest". So, in a way, trying to get health care for our uninsured and underinsured citizens can be viewed as a type of Christian "mission".

Yes, charity is a great thing. But remember, it is no longer charity when done at gunpoint.
Unless this is simply another pile of used food from the industry lobby's bag of dirty tricks -- like pulling the plug on grandma,

It is interesting how the dems argue that there was no language in the house bill that could be construed as rationing care for Grandma yet the Senate came out and announced emphatically that they had removed such language from the Senate bill.

Hmmm. Now that is comforting.
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Yes, charity is a great thing. But remember, it is no longer charity when done at gunpoint.

It is not charitable to pull the plug on Grandma either.

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If I had a dollar for every slogan and war that was ever fought and justified because "God is on my side", Bill Gates would be doing this posting for me.

That's the same mentality as Muslim fundamentalists -- except Allah gives each of 'em 70 virgins later on as "boot".

Everybody except the athiests think God is on their side. This kind of delusional rhetoric seems especially loud from the far-right.

Bob Dylan has a sense of humor. Hopefully, God has one too.

If I had a dollar for every slogan and war that was ever fought and justified because "God is on my side", Bill Gates would be doing this posting for me.

That's the same mentality as Muslim fundamentalists -- except Allah gives each of 'em 70 virgins later on as "boot".

Everybody except the athiests think God is on their side. This kind of delusional rhetoric seems especially loud from the far-right.

Bob Dylan has a sense of humor. Hopefully, God has one too.


If ur point was the far right is much more in line with God...then that explains obamas far.........................left stance. some have pointed out he could be the anti-christ...if we could by law "original birth certificate" we could determine his birthplace. obama has been like watchin the 3 stooges all in one...a great watch but not likely to get another season in the sun!
Their focus is now on the insurance companies. It will be on the agents next I am sure. Those evil insurance agents! So let me see, the insurance companies are responsible for the high premiums. My first guess would be fraud, technology and indulgence by the people. It all gets billed to the insurance company.
It seems Obama-wan Kenobi is now claiming that he is God's partner for health care reform.

This man has no shame.
Since he obviously does not [care to] know the God of the Bible, he can easily claim partnership with his made-up god in his mind. New Ager's do this all the time (and they are all liberal). How do you defend against the changeable invisible? That's pathological if you ask me, and I know you didn't.
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Some probably needed a cigarette after the call . . .
If he bent them over without lubrication, they'll need more than a cigarette...
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My goodness, this man started campaigning a few weeks into his term in the Senate and hasn't stopped since.
It's all he's ever DONE aside from a little community agitation.
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Not sure where "God's partner for health care reform" came from, but there may be an indirect connection.

Unless this is simply another pile of used food from the industry lobby's bag of dirty tricks -- like pulling the plug on grandma, or coverage for illegal aliens.

As a lifelong, Christian, I understand the biblical dictates to help those less fortunate (even though the major mentality here will no doubt say they are illegals, or are cheap, or otherwise lazy, shiftless scum just looking for a free ride at their expense).

Jesus healed the sick, hung out with the poor, and admonished the Pharisees for their hypocracy and "enlightened self-interest". So, in a way, trying to get health care for our uninsured and underinsured citizens can be viewed as a type of Christian "mission".

I think it's a bit stretchy, though, to say that God is your co-pilot on the drive to health care reform -- if it's even true to begin with.


Yes, charity is a great thing. But remember, it is no longer charity when done at gunpoint.
No sense in destroying the 85% of the system that is working to "fix" the 15% that isn't. There's GOT to be a better way. This is just a power grab while they can grab it. Hopefully it will backfire bigtime on them and they will be kicked (voted) out of Congress (by us).
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Bob Dylan...
...was apparently wandering around in a neighborhood somewhere, someone called the cops on him, the cops asked him for ID, they did not even recognize him.

I certainly don't want, get or ask advice political or otherwise of dopehead musicians, maybe advice on how to play the guitar (he can't sing), but not really, he ain't that good. Ever heard of Berklee College of Music in Boston? A wide gulf fixed there, eh? BTW, join the 21st century. Just a thought.
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Bob Dylan has a sense of humor.
You gotta have a sense of humor and a lotta patience to listen to Bob Dylan more than once. You can get the message once, more than that is pathological repetition. That same song has been posted on this forum over and over. Where are at least the simple variations on a theme? Don't want you to stretch too much, but it's been FORTY YEARS or so and........nothing. Hmmm?
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The reason for fighting
I never got straight
You could ask someone, man
But it's probably too late

For you don't count the dead
With the Libs on your side.
But you DO count the dead
With Republicans inside
And saturate the newsfeeds
with the gory details

To discredit our army
When YOU'RE not in charge

And you never ask questions
'Cause you're scared of the truth
And too doped up and closed minded
And weary and confused

Whether Judas Iscariot
Had God on his side.
Of course he did not.
Are you biblically illiterate?

I'm weary as Hell
The confusion I'm feelin'
(I don't doubt that)

If God's on our side
He'll stop the next war.
(He's made up his own God.)
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:D Haha...not anywhere NEAR gay, you missed it by a mile as usual. Are there really gay "conservatives"? Oxymoron? Sick.