Obama Open to 'tweak' of Health Care, Not Repeal

That's a pretty good article. Here is an excerpt of a paragraph I like!

Put Obamacare's exchanges out of their misery! The exchanges' failures were obvious to every American, and they are unlikely to improve. Stop the hundreds of millions of dollars surging to IT firms and navigators, and allow people to buy their plans from agents, whether online or in-person, without going through an exchange.

I like what Somarco said about giving a voucher based on last year's income.

For people with vastly different income this year than last year, they could have an appeal process, but make it fast and simplified. Issue a certificate/voucher, buy a plan from an insurance company, and the insurance company collects from the govt. There's no need for this bzillion dollar maze called "The Marketplace"! Agents can take care of comparing plans for clients like we did for many years before the exchanges started.
I'm expecting 2 years of absolute deadlock.

McConnell already said in a news conference today there will be no arguing over budget, no govt shutdown.

Apparently McConnell does not know the House controls the money coffers. The Senate or prez can't do anything unless the House funds it.

Oh wait.

Speaker OrangeMan has the checkbook and is willing to write checks all day long to save the country.

Even if O'Boner wises up and MickConnell grows a pair, it means nothing. Emperor O'bama is going to continue doing whatever he pleases because he knows no one will stop him. It they try he will simply stonewall until the next inauguration.

Nothing is going to change.

Not a damn thing.
McConnell already said in a news conference today there will be no arguing over budget, no govt shutdown.

Apparently McConnell does not know the House controls the money coffers. The Senate or prez can't do anything unless the House funds it.

Oh wait.

Speaker OrangeMan has the checkbook and is willing to write checks all day long to save the country.

Even if O'Boner wises up and MickConnell grows a pair, it means nothing. Emperor O'bama is going to continue doing whatever he pleases because he knows no one will stop him. It they try he will simply stonewall until the next inauguration.

Nothing is going to change.

Not a damn thing.

I agree.

Which means Hillary wins in 2016.
I agree.

Which means Hillary wins in 2016.

Oh please no. Not that half-insane, blame-throwing stroke victim.

If anyone is going to ban spoons because they make people fat, it's her. She's not broker friendly either (remember hillarycare?). She's already tried to restrict video games "because they cause violence" (even though data says the opposite), and has supported gun restrictions.
McConnell already said in a news conference today there will be no arguing over budget, no govt shutdown.

Apparently McConnell does not know the House controls the money coffers. The Senate or prez can't do anything unless the House funds it.

Oh wait.

Speaker OrangeMan has the checkbook and is willing to write checks all day long to save the country.

Even if O'Boner wises up and MickConnell grows a pair, it means nothing. Emperor O'bama is going to continue doing whatever he pleases because he knows no one will stop him. It they try he will simply stonewall until the next inauguration.

Nothing is going to change.

Not a damn thing.

I do believe you are correct, there will not be much or any change, the tea party faction vs the moderate's will see nothing accomplished.
The skeptics say nothing will be accomplished in the next two years. As elected servants of the people, we will make it our job to prove the skeptics wrong."

But the House and Senate will be run by Dumb and Dumber.

Boner will cry and cave.

McDumbass has already caved on the budget by promising no govt shutdown. He doesn't even have that authority. The purse is controlled by the House.

the tea party faction vs the moderate's will see nothing accomplished.

This is a process, not a Scarface battle.

The newly minted Republican Senators will have no power. If they make too much noise they will be relegated to lunch duty.

The only excitement is, every one of them ran as conservatives and were elected by those who supported what they want to do. We need more to follow in their footsteps to implement real change and it will take a very long time to undo the damage the Emperor has done.