Obama vs. Insurance

Change you can believe in.

Ever notice how it's always about "change"?

Whether it's Obama's "Change You Can Believe In", or Newt's "Contract With America" (to "transform" the federal government), in about six months time, "change" always turns out to be more of the same old thing.

Wake up before it's too late.

Join the Libertarian Party: www.lp.org. Get busy...or keep complaining.
Ever notice how it's always about "change"?

Whether it's Obama's "Change You Can Believe In", or Newt's "Contract With America" (to "transform" the federal government), in about six months time, "change" always turns out to be more of the same old thing.

Wake up before it's too late.

Join the Libertarian Party: www.lp.org. Get busy...or keep complaining.

Woke up! Realized there was no one worth voting for and had to go back to bed....................:SLEEP:

Wake me when its over. Or when the, self proclaimed (World Citizen) Obama, Is elected first president of the, New World Federation. That I really wouldn't want to miss.... :twitchy:
If we think our "diversity" problem is out of control now, wait until "ObamamalamadingdongCare" kicks in...billing remibursements to docs will be cut (even further) and there will be a deluge of PA's, Nurse Prctnrs and foreign docs into our clinics/hospitals; more FamPract, IntMed docs will leave to other fields. At our current rate, we will have a Fam Practice/IntMed shortage for the next 20 years (based on Medschool capacity and applications). And don't think the quality of healthcare will get any better with PA's/Foreign docs etc working on us vs physicians (so if you think so many docs are incompetent & unethical...hope you like spending your health ins dollars on Jr docs with 4+ yrs less training).
Medicare/Medicaid currently pay HIGHER reimbursements than most of the private companies by the way...this is good for docs...bad for taxpayers...and another clear example of "government run programs" being out of touch on pricing/costs etc. Think $400 hammers people!!!
My points are: Health Insurance companies are making too much profit. Our fragmented system of bandaid-ing illness is broken. Almost every doc would choose cash-pay patients to insured's due to admin costs/overhead- they hate insurance companies. Britain's health system is trash--and that's a huge influence on Obamamalamadingdong's push. End users (insureds) need more skin in the game and we need to get rid of cadillac health plans and hold users accountable (ie. obesity, smoking, diabetes etc). Get off the lazy wagon people and start listening to your doctor when s/he tells you to eat better, exercise & cut back on the scotch...oh--and stop SMOKING! your killing yourself and costing the rest of us a butt-load of $$$. And, second-hand smoke does affect me-so don't rationalize your cancer-stick endulgence as not affecting others. Nicotene is a powerfully addictive drug--analagous to Heroin addiction--yeah is said Heroin! So i know it's a helluva hard habit to break--but we have to all make hard decisions in the future. ALL OF US.
25 years ago we all had a $500 deductable $2500 out of pocket and knew health insurance was in place to keep us from financial ruin if "the big" hit us. Look where we're at today...$10 copays, $15 office visits, $1000 max out of pocket. $700mo medicines, $12000 birthing costs, $600 blood workups... and we (patients) only want to pay $50mo and have our booboo's fixed. WHAT! THESE NUMBERS DON'T WORK PEOPLE (do the math)! AND THEY DIDN'T WORK 25 Yrs AGO! A government run health plan!!?? that's really gonna help the problem. NOT!
What might make a difference is if we (agents/UW's/executives) start a Health rhetoric and hold ourselfs/insureds accountable. Don't always try to sell the plan that has the lowest deductable/copay/MOOP. Some seniors have so little $ we need to help them all we can...the rest of the population 19-64 (in the workforce). Tell Sedentary Mary and Overweight Nate's and their employers to STOP smoking...walk more...lay off the sauce! Teach a man to fish...
btw linking docs to terrorist activities is pretty childish...next you'll make the connection that Timothy McVae was an insurance underwriter making a field visit???
wheww...i feel better:twitchy:
My points are: Health Insurance companies are making too much profit.

I agree with most of your post, with the exception of the quote above.

"Too much profit" according to whom? Regulators? Patients? Doctors? Shareholders?

My point is this: the federal government has no business being involved. The free market will handle it best.
I agree with most of your post, with the exception of the quote above.

"Too much profit" according to whom? Regulators? Patients? Doctors? Shareholders?

My point is this: the federal government has no business being involved. The free market will handle it best.

Yup. There is a lot of commie thinking these days. Not surprisingly Barney is talking about making sure that corporations and CEO's do not make "too much." We all saw the two-step coming. It started with TARP wherein most agreed that government owned/supported corporations should be subject to government limits but we all knew the next step would be extend it to all corporations, Here we go:

Frank Says Bill May Lower Compensation ?In Bad Times? (Update1) - Bloomberg.com
btw linking docs to terrorist activities is pretty childish...

Um, a Muslim doctor was linked to terrorist activities. How was that childish?

Don't you suppose there are terrorists that would be smart enough to be doctors?
btw linking docs to terrorist activities is pretty childish...:twitchy:

Take terrorists docs out of the picture if that helps but be sure you dont miss the very real point that is being made. Someone asked why docs would want to work in the public option or busted down Obama reimbursemets. My reply was that you have to look at how the British Health Service does it. They bring in thousands of docs from backwater countries. Many are imcompetent and many are riff-raff that should never have been let in the country. Some are good docs but the folks in Wales need to accept the fact that their docs are from Islamabad now. Even if it is okay, it is just something to get ready for. Same here. That is the answer to where all the docs are going to come from, along with the Caribean and Rumania. People are locked into thinking Obamacare will not work because US medical schools cannot turn out enough docs. That is old thinking. British Guiana is just a couple hour flight away from the US. They have all the docs you need for that new clinic in Billings, Montana. Just as the Brits have done.

Tis true that I prefer that my docs not get caught firebombing the local airport so I confess to a little cultural insensitivity there.
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