Obama vs. Insurance

"4. Many insurance agents make entirely too much $ simply because we can "close" a deal and/or are thick-skinned narcisists (how's that for a Freudian reference)?! Maybe it's time we (agents) truly earned our keep. The avg Fam Practice doc works 65+ hrs/week and makes $125-145k/yr...so i'm not so sure any of us are in a position to pass judgement on what Tx or Dx are made by doctors--unless we've completed 10+ years of education/medical training!"

Hey salty you may be an overpaid narcissist, I work and invest to much in my business to let your self-loathing comment go. You point fingers too,,, you can kiss m,,, oh wait never mind.

Pitting the Insurance industry against Drs was an idea of liberal Democrats,,,it worked well last year to get the votes to basically shut down PFFS,,, nudge seniors back to single payer,,,they never liked the reforms Part C created. The Drs are on the hit list,,, but Dems are kissing up right now in an attempt to have them on their side,,, while passing the worst thing that could happen to good Drs. The Ins co making huge profits are generally the ones in bed with Government,,, administering the Gov health plans. It is important to them to kiss up to the Dems also. The small not for profit Bcross & Bshield in our state is not making any profit. You might consider the source of information when bashing your own industry.

I also don't find all Drs as brilliant and hard working as you describe. 10+ years of brainwashing (education/medical training) doesn't necessarily make a good Dr. Tagamet was prescribed for years while people suffered in pain,,, with millions of dollars wasted,,, why? cause Drs wouldn't believe, till the AMA sanctioned it,,, that ulcers are caused by bacteria. Yes Drs practice on all of us.

Anyway universal healthcare or not I will survive I just know what a huge mistake it would be.
He is already blaming the carriers, but I agree he will step up the rhetoric and cite examples that further his cause. No one wants to hear stories about when health insurance actually works.
Lobbyists the silver lining in health care storm? - Yahoo! News


Laszewski is pessimistic about the prospects for overhaul legislation this year. But he thinks insurers in particular look like they're in a win-win situation.
"The health insurance industry is in a fantastic position," he said. Democratic liberals overreached and can't move a bill over the objections of their moderate and conservative colleagues.
"Democrats can't blame the industry if this goes down," Laszewski added. "So the health insurance industry is happy to let this thing take its course."

Don't know if this is good or bad?????????

Why does it say super genius after my name? Sometimes I think I'm an *** lol
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Prepare thyself for Obama to get very ugly about insurance companies in the next week. He has no choice. He has defectors in his own party and in the public for reasons that have to do with his plan- independent of insurance lobbying. In the same way that Iranians lash out at the US when they have internal problems, Obama will have to lash out hard at insurance companies in order to make it look like the problem is opposition from them rather than from the public.

Look for the small signs: Two days ago he referred to his health reform bill as "the Insurance Reform Bill." Freudian? You decide.

The good news: He is doing this because he knows the public option is not going to fly. So his health reform must consist of fiddling with the insurance carriers and the related system. (ie. guaranteed issue).

He is holding plenty of cards, except he is playing defense now. Something we have not seen before. He is going to get ugly with the insurance industry but it is beginning to get plenty ugly for him too. Add August recess to it, and it is not a happy mix for him and we know he likes happy.

A bill this year? No way. Just some skeletal thing with generic goals of guaranteed issue and coverage for all and affordability, blah, blah, blah - if anything.

Ahh! Tanks fo da insight on dis cuntry frek!

Again, I might be wrong but me thinks you can suck left nut!!
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Lobbyists the silver lining in health care storm? - Yahoo! News


Laszewski is pessimistic about the prospects for overhaul legislation this year. But he thinks insurers in particular look like they're in a win-win situation.
"The health insurance industry is in a fantastic position," he said. Democratic liberals overreached and can't move a bill over the objections of their moderate and conservative colleagues.
"Democrats can't blame the industry if this goes down," Laszewski added. "So the health insurance industry is happy to let this thing take its course."

Don't know if this is good or bad?????????

Why does it say super genius after my name? Sometimes I think I'm an *** lol

If u half to ask..........heres ur sign!:goofy:
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...most Family Practice docs earn on avg about $35 pp visit; and they don't make a dime off referrals to specialists or ordering tests etc! ...Physicians today don't have the luxury... they have to practice "LAWYER centered medicine". (true and nothing in the Obama Care government program changes this!) ...The avg Fam Practice doc works 65+ hrs/week and makes $125-145k/yr...so i'm not so sure any of us are in a position to... Really, and since when did the Medicare or Medicaid government programs pay the Family Practice Doc more then the Private Insurance carriers? The dirty little secret is that cost shifting is currently in place and the doctor and the senior will get screwed by this government takeover. PA's and nurse practitioners will be the change your talking about.

If we don't know where we are going we may end up someplace we don't want to be. This is a huge change and we better understand the ramifications of socializing medical care. I'm worried about the cost shifting to those on Medicare Medicaid and or the lack of Family Practice Doctors whom will accept these cost shifted government programs after a government takeover. :skeptical:

If an MRI cost me $3,000 and my client's Medicare & MedSupp pays $300. today, what will this example of cost shifting look like when Obama Care comes to fruition. In other words, the senior will be paying more for their healthcare. No doubt about it and the senior citizen (AARP member) needs to realize this today -- not four years from now! :nah:
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If we don't know where we are going we may end up someplace we don't want to be. This is a huge change and we better understand the ramifications of socializing medical care. I'm worried about the cost shifting to those on Medicare Medicaid and or the lack of Family Practice Doctors whom will accept these cost shifted government programs after a government takeover. :skeptical:

I think we'll see a major decrease in the number of family doctors period. Why bust your hump in med school for the measly wages Obamacare will pay?
Is it possible to put a link to a web based calculator on the signature of all of Johns posts? It would save me time pulling up my calculator application. LOL.

Just giving you a hard time...
I think we'll see a major decrease in the number of family doctors period. Why bust your hump in med school for the measly wages Obamacare will pay?

Same reason all the young docs in the British Health System do- because when you graduate from the Islamabad Jihad Medical School, the paltry wages in the UK system are still better than at the Karachi health clinic.

You are still thinking in terms of why would someone want to bust their hump at John Hopkins and then work under the public option. Trust me, if you speak English you will not be working under the public option. We will be bringing lots and lots of diversity into the health system, shall we say.

Gotta love that diversity in Scotland where three frigging docs from Pakistan firebombed the airport by crashing the SUV into it. Broke my heart to see that one doc running around on fire with his skin burning off. So much for the first rule of medicine, which is to "do no harm." Guess they didnt teach that at Jihad U. Gordon Brown ordered his government ministers to not refer to them as Muslims so as to not offend the Muslim community. Nevermind that they were muslim fundamentalist who shouted Allah Akbar when they torched the airport.

Docs like that coming to your neighborhood soon. Saint Lucia also has a good supply. You remember the guy from college who used to play fooseball in the lounge for eight hours a day? He went to Saint Lucia and is a doc now. A public option kind of guy.

Change you can believe in.
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