Obamacare Alternative


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
Health care reform has finally been exposed as health insurance reform. Rather than scrapping what works, why not use existing plans and a lottery?
You have some good points....I don't know why we have turned so against the free enterprise that got us to be the world power we are today and now we just want to throw out the constitution, subsidizing the citizens partially to use on health care from private companies and getting guarantee issue options/high risk pools like we have in Colorado just makes too much sense for politicians... it's too easy and doesn't give them enough control over my life.
Medicare and Medicaid have their own issues but I see no reason to throw out everything just to accommodate a relatively small portion of the population.

Certainly M/M can accommodate the "disenfranchised" on a pay to play basis without significant tax increases.

I have written both Senators and my Representative with this suggestion (Medicaid, Medicare, lottery). All three are Republican so they might even read my letter.
I have written both Senators and my Representative with this suggestion (Medicaid, Medicare, lottery). All three are Republican so they might even read my letter.[/quote]

They don't read bills before they vote on them, so what makes us think they will read our letters???
My letter was 4, 1 - 2 sentence paragraphs, not 3,000 pages.

It was written so a 4th grader can understand.

OK, call me foolish.
Should I write this to Barbara Boxer or Nancy "dipshit" Pelosi. They're both from my (formerly) Golden State. Maybe I should try Brad Sherman. He's just to the left of Al.

How about your Libertarian buddy? The radio guy who wants to be Prez? He might just run with this.