Obamacrap EHB and HHS Joystick

Al3 is conflicted.
That's about as "nice" as I can put it.
Perhaps some latent flambe tendencies are surfacing ... who knows?
Thanks for answering somarco and ins.dave. Now, back to work raping and pillaging unsuspecting victims for their insurance $ so I can maintain my greedy lifestyle. Have a great, profitable day!
You know how unions often have work-rules... there has to be two guys to do the job of one. It used to be called "featherbedding." And I assume you have heard of minimum wage laws?

Conservatives and Libertarians really hate union interference in the workplace. They go postal over such things... where the unions dictate to management how the work should be done. And do they hate minimum wage rules? With a passion.Al

Why should management hate minimum wage rules? Most can not get away with paying minimum wages because their competition down the street will pay more. Also, management can and will pass the increase in minimum wage to the consumer for the product or service rendered, which incidentally is the same guy or gal who just had his wages increased superficially, not through free market forces where there real value will be a plus or minus to them. The minimum wage rules are political ploys used by liberals to buy votes.You know the slogan "We are for the little guy!" Pure BS.

For example, I was a partner for 25 years in a commercial cleaning operation that had approx. 20 full time employees and 150 part-time employees. I do not remember one time that we paid minimum wage. If we could, we would have but market forces dictated that we pay significantly more or we would not have reliable, honest and conscientious people doing the cleaning for our customers. Wages always had to be looked at continuously and it was a balancing act. You pay people less than what the market dictates, quality of work suffers. You pay too much the company goes out of business and everybody employed loses their job.

Well, lookie, lookie, lookie. The carriers ("management" in this case) hate it just as much as you conservatives do. They decided that in a world of finite resources that agents (the "union" in this case) did not contribute enough to the enterprise so they decided to pay you what they think your real value is. Al

Who believes in the idea of finite resources still? You must be one of those guys in the 70's that said we would run out of oil in the 80's.
The insurance companies have every right to pay what they want and some I think would hope the era of the health agent would go away.
I personally think that they made a mistake and made a pact with the devil but we will see how it shakes out. The problem is that these crony capitalists (Insurance Companies) are in bed with big government. This dawned on me, when you barely heard a whimper- the silence was deafening- from carriers during the health care debate as Obama beat them over the head on a daily basis. The biggest thing you heard, at a key point in the time line of the health reform debate, was when Anthem in CA announced a 40% increase in rates across the board. I wonder why Anthem did that?? It certainly did not make them or health insurance companies look good. They (Health Ins.Co.) are going to go with the flow as long as their piece of the health pie stays intact with an upside(mandates anyone!). So far the insurance companies do not seem to care about more government intervention/regulation leading to the homogenizing of all health insurance products offered (one size fits all mentality, little competition, exchanges ). Why should they, mandates are coming, their piece of the pie is going to get bigger regardless of the wrong value they place on what an Agent provides in service. Previously, if a particular company continued to place wrong value e.g.(too much-some union contracts or too little-agent compensation), free market forces would dictate that the company would lose market share and if not adjusted would languish and eventually go out of business. Today... the government will step in with our future tax money and their "to big to fail" mentality, and prop up their partners in crime e.g.(GM) for the next couple of decades until it falls apart again. Health Insurance companies are another "half "free market industry heading for the "bought and paid for" club along with the rest of the health industry. My opinion, if this happens, it is the end of America as we know it. I have to give it to Obama, he said "fundamentally transform America" and that is where we are heading. And if we do... Al, from the sounds of your post, I hope you get your full share of it!!!

They obviously didn't see your hundred grand worth the payout... so they cut it. It's what any good conservative businessperson would do and is the kind of policy every good conservative would support.Al

Well see over time if cutting commissions in half was a good business decision. Most Conservative and Libertarian business people I know believe if you make a stupid decision, you suffer the consequences (lose money) and if you continue making stupid decisions you will go out of business.

OK, maybe the MLR is interference in the free market, but so are taxes and child-labor laws and similar social legislation. My point is that IF the carriers valued your contribution to their "system" they would have found other ways to cut costs so as to keep your six-figure income intact.Al

I believe, the insurance companies are using the MLR for cover once they saw the handwriting on the wall (I love mandates!). Really, the MLR is a fly spec on that monstrosity of a "We have to pass it before we know what is in it" bill. Pelosi:goofy:

They did what is in their best interest... and you are pissed at them for it? Are you going to tell me they could not have found a way to keep within the bounds of the MLR and have continued your comp? Of course they could have. You can blame Obamacare all you want, but at the end of the day your pay was cut by those who pay you (duh!) As I say, it was in their best interest to do that.Al

The insurance companies think it is in their best interest. Maybe it is with Obamacare for a little while (mandates!) until the next crisis created by Obamacare and then the talk from liberals( the same people who pushed Obamacare through in the dead of night on Christmas Eve no less) will be about the complete government control of health care. Goodbye Health Insurance Companies!!!As all the Socialists say together now "do do do da doot tado do do do da doot tadooooooooooooooooooo." :biggrin:

I think the insurance companies think it will never get to that... but they think it could end up being something in between(Quasi-something- Modo) e.g.(Fannie -Mae and Freddie-Mac ring a bell!!)

The American people are going to lose big in all this. The quality of health care service will spiral downward (including rationing) and increase in expense (more taxes!) I mean when is there not excessive fraud and/or waste when the government runs something.

How about we do this.... we play free markets and see who wins! Winners make money, losers lose market share and re-evaluate their mistakes or go out of business. Remember, this is not arbitrary the American consumer will decide.

The public at large will do what they see as being in their best interest... and will support a single-payor, nationalized health system where there are no greedy insurance companies and corresponding agents. Al

Your right, the public might be scared into or sold a single-payor system but how is it going to be paid for. We are 14.365 trillion dollars in debt. Hopefully, America will wake up and I think they are. We will see come Nov.2012.

Greed....are you kidding. I like how all liberals attack companies like it is one big evil person sitting in dark room all by themselves plotting how to fleece the unwary public. In case you forgot... but Insurance companies employ thousands of hard working people who are making a living, raising families, paying bills, and a few dreams along the way. Oh by the way, this will make you happy, they pay taxes too! Tax money is what keeps the government running and all the entitlement programs you rave about. Liberals make no sense, they blame companies for practically everything but without companies the liberals would have no money for their pet projects to help "the little guy". Do liberals use reason before they speak???Obviously, Al ,I do not know you but some of the things you write make me think.... that you do not think and all this is programmed nonsense. But....I had to respond today. You have every right to be wrong.

We are evolving toward a position that Europe reached years ago... that access to affordable health care is a right for all people, not a privilege of the rich.Al

Europe might have reached it before us but that does not mean it was a good decision for all involved.(By the way we are not Europe. We are the antithesis to Europe. Thank God for that! You need to re-read your history books.) Matter a fact I would bet that there are more than a few stories in Europe, Russia and China of people with political connections who got better care, service and outcomes compared to "the little guy" who got the short shrift. I can here you say "Well that happens here too!" and your right it probably does but I bet less frequently and less severe than in those other health care systems. Remember- if you feel you were wronged in this way here, you have an avenue to ask for justice e.g.(financial and criminal). How do you sue the government or throw government employees into jail for incompetence? Let me know.... And,. the rich guy who you rail against(the guy who probably employs a lot of "the little guys" ) can still go anywhere in the world to get the best care he can afford because he is rich. duh! No the "little guy" who liberals say they want to help, will end up losing the most with government run health care.

Fight against it if you wish. Rant and rail against it if you must. But you are on the wrong side of history, just as your grandparents parents were about social security, your parents were about Medicare and civil rights, and how so many of you are about health reform.Al

I get the idea you think history is only 50 to 70 years old probably because your birth falls some where in that time frame. And because of this you think entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are successful and will be around forever. Your point about these programs does not make sense considering it is a huge Ponzi scam that is on the brink of collapse.
I am sure my grandparents voted for FDR and Social Security. That does not mean they signed up for unfunded liabilities passed on to their children and grandchildren etc.
I am sure they thought it was a good deal and it probably could have been but they did not understand the nature of the beast (big government) and its lack of accountability for their failures. Yes, the failure has been delayed so it seems successful ... but 60 years is not a long time. In your mind was communist Russia (USSR) a success??? because that lasted almost 80 years. The Japanese do not consider a company a success until it has been doing business for at least 100 years or more.

I will speak up and vote against Government controlled anything.

I might be on the losing side today but eventually superficial institutions built on phony fantastical ideas collapse on their own weight. You are seeing that today e.g.( Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Fannie, Freddie, GM, Chrysler, State Governments).

There is one more to add to the list and it is The Employer Based Health Insurance Industry. Our government in all their wisdom 60 yrs. ago set up this ticking time bomb by giving companies huge tax breaks who offered health care to their employees rather than compensation. Of course companies loved it. All large corporations were on board and sold employees on their great health benefit packages. People started talking and comparing their benefit packages at family gatherings, bowling alleys and the corner bar.

Fast forward to today, health care costs have skyrocketed, people are being laid off in record numbers and can't afford COBRA. Health Insurance has very little to do with these skyrocketing costs. Matter of fact the health insurance industry ranks very low as far as profit margin %. I remember, could be off some, reading an article where it ranked 83rd compared with other major industries. Again, the reason for this mess was government using incentives to get outcomes they wanted. The companies bought gold plated plans for their employees and wrote it off, the employees got so called "free" health care, the insurance companies and providers made more money. Problem was nobody cared what all this was costing because it was not visually coming out of anybody's pocket (though it always was - no such thing as a free lunch). The health industry balloon has popped and the people who started this fantasy of "free" health care are dead, only to be replaced with new politicians using this crisis to push the masses towards more "I will take care of your health care for free because it is a personal right" government controlled health care. If government is so good at providing more efficient health care, why not build more Government run hospitals (VA!)and clinics. People without insurance can go there (subsidized by the American taxpayer) and people with insurance (bought in a "real" free market and no subsidy) can choose between the government run and the privately run providers. Let's see over time who is busy and can afford to pay for the best doctors and technicians.

Why is there so much fraud in Medicare? Government controlled

And you want more of it? Good grief! :no:

Al, obviously you think Obamacare is the way to go when it comes to health care. You think health care is a right. When do people get turned away and what does that have to do with private health insurance? Nothing! This has to do with control, power (money) and some fantasy ideal of equality. Equality is bulls@#$! A political tool that does not exist and striving for it will only make it worse for "the little guy" which is pretty much everybody unless you're very rich or have political power.

Let's be honest, health and the quality of life has little to do with health insurance and a lot more to do with the foods we eat, air we breathe, what we drink, personal habits etc. Of course healthy foods cost more, living in the country cost more etc.....you can see where this is going and that is why Obamacare needs to be repealed before we "the little guys" go over the cliff.
Most die-hard conservatives don't want a system that works. They want a system that they can get rich from.

They don't care if someone who is rich waits in the ER for 6 hours. They simply don't want someone poor (especially a minority of color) sitting next to them. In a perfect conservative system, no one wins... except the rich who are more than equal.

Conservatives have never wanted the rich to be richer, just for the poor to be poorer.


Do you really believe this? First off, I never have understood people that berate the "rich" like they are some sort of identifiable class- how do you define this class? I think you'd be surprised what the "rich" truly is. Most of the milionaires in this country are the millionaire next door type. I happen know a lot of people worth over a million (I used to be worth 7 figures before the real estate bust myself) and they are some of the nicest, most generous people I know. AND they are generous with THEIR money and time, not someone else's. I'll admit that there's some shady stuff done by some people on the right, but I think the left is as bad or worse. It is NOT the norm. My friends are business owners and work 10+ hour days regularly. Amazing concept, they actually worked for what they have. Most of the older people I know in this class are just savers- aka "conservative" with their money. My friend's dad never made over $15/hr and had over $800k in the bank when he died. You really think he's out to get the so called "poor"?

As far as that color shot goes, I cant speak for everyone, but I never understood that stuff. Where I grew up the black people were just like the white people and we all got along famously so I never really got the racism thing until I went to college and there was friction there. Its more culture than skin color in my opinion. The sooner people realize that, and quit harping on those of us who couldnt care less what color you are, the better off everybody will be. What makes you think all the rich people are white, anyway? I'm in Atlanta- there are a TON of well off 'people of color' around here...I bet they dont want to spend 6 hours in an emergency room with some meth'd out redneck out of the trailer park any more than I want to spend 6 hours in an emergency room with some crackhead from the hood- OR the Meth'd out redneck. Would you?

By and large the red state people around here in the good 'ole south just want to be left alone to live their lives and that includes getting to keep what they earn...

In my opinion, we've raised an entire generation of dependent 'children' that arent prepared for adulthood and its not going to end well. I mean, seriously- Rewarding bad behavior and punishing success is no way to move things forward.

My $.02.
NFIB is mostly small business, self employed, fewer than 5 employees.

This will impact rates for those businesses as well IF they provide group insurance. As it now stands, groups under 50 are not required to pay or play but if they do play it will be costly.

Quoted a 2 life group this AM and rates for a $5,000 deductible copay plan started at $1700/mo standard rates and went all the way up to $2900.

This husband and wife group has several health issues and will be hit with the max rate up of 70%.

I have been seeing stuff like this since last summer, shortly after Obamacrap was passed.

Probably just a coincidence . . .

Only 70%? Max rate-up here is 600% with some companies...
Wow, in CA, max rate up for 2-50 groups is 10% above standard cost. Nobody out here better ever complain about RAF on small group :biggrin: