OMG !!! Sharpton or Jackson

It is revealing that sourpuss Jackson couldnt have offered a little levity or grace to help her out a bit. If she had frigged up when interviewing Carter and called him Clinton, I dont think Carter would look like his dog had died. He could probably handle it.

The reality is that it has nothing to do with race here with Jesse. His biggest fear is that life has moved on and we have an entire generation that is not exactly sure who and what he is or was and that we have an articulate, non-angry black President now and that he and sharpton are losing name recognition. I guess there haven't been enough crisis lately where he can come to the rescue in whatever capacity he represents. No one ever really knew what that was anyway.

Worse yet, in a shrinking market for Jesse Jackson's trade, his chief competitor Al Sharpton seems to have better name recognition. This is a showman's worse fear. That gal probably never even knew who Tawanna Brawley is. Life moves on. Perhaps Jesse should appear regularly on Fox as Sharpton does to increase his market penetration a bit.
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Don't they have a corresponding video feed in the studio? She mentioned that "everyone knows what you look like" - I thought that meant she had something that showed his face.

I mean c'mon, it's not like she insulted him and called him Walter Williams or Cornel West. Although, I don't know if he would've been insulted if he were called Cornel West.
The only reason it took him a second to respond is because he was trying to figure out a way to make it a race issue. He only looked upset after he couldn't figure out how to make it look like one.


Imagine if that had happened on Fox. It would have been front page news for six months. The protests and calls for resignations would have been 24/7.

The only reason it took him a second to respond is because he was trying to figure out a way to make it a race issue. He only looked upset after he couldn't figure out how to make it look like one.