One Card System

The OCS, like any other "system", only works when you do. Almost any CRM will help you track your prospects and activity.

The beauty of the OCS is, as Justin pointed out, the point values.

You are rewarded for PRODUCTIVE activity rather than MINDLESS activity that does nothing. It recognizes that doing the right kind of activity leads to sales.
Yes, I left the point system out. And, each card and each page on the calendar has prompts that prompt you to remember to ask for date of birth, referrals, etc. I forgot about the points, but I remembered the "prompts". anyway, I am so scattered and unorganized, it did not look good to me, but if you use it, it would work. I did not know about that book mentioned above, sounds interesting. People have been trying to get organized and track progress since the beginning of time.
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OCS forces you to become organized.

For that matter, so does OCD.
It would force that, if one used it. I was handed a $300 system for free, OCS, and I tossed it aside. Probably why that big mutual company did not like me!! ha ha { hopefully they got a bulk deal on those, because they handed each new agent that box of cards and calendars and such, and I never saw many use them, and they recruited heavily} anyway, OCD is what I have, Obsessive compulsive Disorder, and ADD. It most certainly does not force me to be organized, I have the opposite kind, it forces me to be messy and hoarde stuff. It does different things to different people. Little pieces of paper everywhere, I can't throw them away. Obsessed with them. My wife keeps threatening to throw them away. Rather than collecting clients and getting sales, I collect names and numbers, thousands of them, all over the house, hardly ever close them and make them clients. Strange, isn't it? Prospecting is never my problem, closing is.
Wondering if anyone can teach me how to use this
without paying $300 for it online.

Don't you submit $45k in life AP every month.? (Per your American General thread I just read) - just buy it.

OCS is a great system. I still have my green OCS notebook from my first year in the biz with my daily point talleys to measure my activity. Takes me back...

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