O'Reilly Backs Public Option

I just experience Obama care first hand. I picked up my 15 yr old daughter from school at 3:00 to go .get her learners permit. When we got to the DMV there were over 50 people waiting to take the test on 4 machines. It took 15 minutes for someone to come to the window who told us to take a number.

[FONT='Calibri','sans-serif']My daughter took number H05 which was not even close to being called by the time the DMV Closed at 4:30. Needless to say there were about 40 people turned away and that does not include the countless people who came in and looked around and left right away.[/FONT]
I just experience Obama care first hand. I picked up my 15 yr old daughter from school at 3:00 to go .get her learners permit. When we got to the DMV there were over 50 people waiting to take the test on 4 machines. It took 15 minutes for someone to come to the window who told us to take a number.

[FONT='Calibri','sans-serif']My daughter took number H05 which was not even close to being called by the time the DMV Closed at 4:30. Needless to say there were about 40 people turned away and that does not include the countless people who came in and looked around and left right away.[/font]

Oh please. that is just pathetic. You whining about 50 people? Where I am, you have to BE THERE ready to go an hour ahead of when the freaking place opens, and you'll STILL have 50 people ahead of you! In fact, even if you have a scheduled "appointment", you will have to wait an hour.

Just make sure you don't forget any necessary paperwork!

Great forum. For me, it is not about my commissions. I, like other posters have stated, carry my own personal health insurance on my family, and like my plan. Check out Massachusetts premiums. They have mandated government run health care. If you refuse to take the g. health care, you pay a fine. Let me see a show of hands, from some agents that can beat $15,000 per year in premiums on a family policy....look at the hands fly up. Here in AR, I can get a $1,000 comprehensive plan (loaded/all options) for a 45+ family for less than $600 per mo; that comes out to $7200 per year. And I can probably beat that rate really.

Just as a previous poster said, any time our government gets involved...bam...instant inflation. Health care needs to be reformed but what it is not health insurance that needs the reforming. Look at the fraud at hospitals and DME. Doctors can rip Medicare and insurance companies, but it is dificult to do so. They have a tight reign on them (my dad is a physician). I have another family member who works at a prominent hospital in Texas, and he said that everyone who comes into there ER, will get an EKG (chest x-ray). DME centers kill Medicare. I would wager, they acount for the bigest portion of fraud in Medicare.

What about these rediculous, frivilous lawsuits?

And lastly, ask yourself this, at what point did our constitution give our government the right, to take away plans that its citizens voluntarily participate in? It didn't! No one makes someone get insured. They choose to be insured.
Al, you are so wrong. Do you think a government health care plan will be different than Medicare, Medicaid, VA? I get so tired of reading your rants regarding your impression that those of us that sell health plans are only interested in commissions. I try to be empathetic to some of your comments, but this one is over the top.
Al, first of all I am honest about eveything I say. Health insurance commissions represent about 25% of my income.
I lose my COBRA coverage in 10 days, currently paying 1300 per month, HIPPA policy will be 2000 per month plus 800 in med costs. I would love to have better options, but I don't believe a gov't run program is the answer.
Regarding if I would sell gov't mandated policies at 20% commish, what do you think, of course I would.
Try to lighten up on those of us that are open minded.
Re: O'Reilley Backs Public Option

Another talking head with NO idea what it is talking about.
Another flame fanning media monger.
All they do is keep the fires burning, keep people p*ssed off enough to keep tuning in and keep up their ratings.
Such B.S. If he stated that the government should keep out, which everyone in this country knows who is not retarded, then he would not be "continuing the dialogue," (i.e.) annoying people.
O'Reilly and his people could give a dog's d*ck one way or the other.

This response displays the hate and anger the new media (liberals) refer to.....oops
(and it is mandated to boot... like car insurance)

Since when is car insurance mandated?

In my state you are required to buy insurance only if you want to drive (and you don't even have to buy insurance if you can post a bond proving you have $50,000 set aside to cover your liability).

BTW, our BMV was privatized and things have improved so much that they are getting cocky! When you check out they tell you how long you have been there. A friend's daughter got her learners permit and was out the door in 13 minutes. Less government, better outcomes.
what country with socialized medicine is more bankrupt than we are already?

Just a wag, but how about Italy.

Oh wait. Didn't they buy Chrysler? Guess they aren't that broke. Only stupid.
If created, I will still be interested in seeing how these co-ops will actually work. I wonder if agents will still be offering the plans or not???

Most of the agents that will have a part in the new system(Co-Op or Public), if implemented, have already been contacted.

I got my letter a few weeks ago. There are just a handful on this board, of which I'm aware, that will have full charge of their States.