Lately it seems some folks are allowing prejudices to come through in their posts, particularly with regard to the president. Some have even been accused of making comments with racist undertones.
I have no idea if that was the intent or not, nor do I care. If someone wants to be racist and prejudicial, blatantly or otherwise, that is their problem.
Personally, I don't care for the president. I didn't vote for him, don't believe he is qualified for the job and believe he is in way over his head. His policy decisions are not helping and in fact are making things worse in many ways.
In spite of his bravado, he has not turned the economy around, the war is getting worse, not better, and some of our enemies will be testing him before too much time passes.
He tries to distract attention away from some of his decisions by doing these traveling road shows with hand picked crowds and campaign rhetoric.
In fact, the emperor has no clothes and the chickens are coming home to roost.
All that said, he has not demeaned the office of president as did Bill Clinton with his escapades with an intern in the Oval Office. Nor has he blatantly lied under oath to save his skin.
As president, he deserves respect regardless of his skin color.
Personally, I find it in very poor taste when someone makes racial comments or charges another member with making racist comments.
I have no idea if that was the intent or not, nor do I care. If someone wants to be racist and prejudicial, blatantly or otherwise, that is their problem.
Personally, I don't care for the president. I didn't vote for him, don't believe he is qualified for the job and believe he is in way over his head. His policy decisions are not helping and in fact are making things worse in many ways.
In spite of his bravado, he has not turned the economy around, the war is getting worse, not better, and some of our enemies will be testing him before too much time passes.
He tries to distract attention away from some of his decisions by doing these traveling road shows with hand picked crowds and campaign rhetoric.
In fact, the emperor has no clothes and the chickens are coming home to roost.
All that said, he has not demeaned the office of president as did Bill Clinton with his escapades with an intern in the Oval Office. Nor has he blatantly lied under oath to save his skin.
As president, he deserves respect regardless of his skin color.
Personally, I find it in very poor taste when someone makes racial comments or charges another member with making racist comments.