I like putting CI policies and the SS with $5000 with Assurant, and usually a 50k life round it out. They do have a opt benefit for some plans for Therapy services, depends on the zip for premiums. For a couple or single, rates are great, but add a few kids, and the One Ded. HSA is better than the rest. Verity Networks usually have better rates, too.
That's a good plan design, especially if you're able to convince somebody to go that high in a deductible. Usually the threshold is right around $5000 with me for a family. The added life is a nice way to double dip and solidify the deal, but if you're going to sign up somebody with a non-paramed, small amount of life insurance, you might as well get more commission for about the same price.
I can get you a higher than level street contract with Fidelity Life vs. the 3%+ you get with Assurant. Agents are paid company direct, 6 month advance available if you want (or as earned) and up to 98% or higher based on production and quality of business. PM for more details.
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