Outpatient Physical Medicine Limits

I like putting CI policies and the SS with $5000 with Assurant, and usually a 50k life round it out. They do have a opt benefit for some plans for Therapy services, depends on the zip for premiums. For a couple or single, rates are great, but add a few kids, and the One Ded. HSA is better than the rest. Verity Networks usually have better rates, too.

That's a good plan design, especially if you're able to convince somebody to go that high in a deductible. Usually the threshold is right around $5000 with me for a family. The added life is a nice way to double dip and solidify the deal, but if you're going to sign up somebody with a non-paramed, small amount of life insurance, you might as well get more commission for about the same price.

I can get you a higher than level street contract with Fidelity Life vs. the 3%+ you get with Assurant. Agents are paid company direct, 6 month advance available if you want (or as earned) and up to 98% or higher based on production and quality of business. PM for more details.
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The higher ded HSA plans are a different sale, but these usually come from the retirement planners referrals, and we add a one time hospital indemnity to it from the HSA. At that age, reasonably healthy, premiums and HSA accumulation outweigh the thought of most of them getting sick or ill. I can offer CBL, but an ROP term with good CI coverage would be even better.
The rest are the usual Accident Medical and disability. Secure Solutions is ok, and the term add on is easier than making a full life presentation for a different company.

It's always good to talk about CI for a policy check up call. :idea:
There's no health plan on the market, indie or group, that will pay for a "Christopher Reeves" type of accident. In his case they did fund raisers to pay for treatment and celebrity friends like Robin Williams donated fat amounts of money. You don't think Reeves had health insurance? Sure he did.
Again, thanks for the input, but C Reeves insurance is not the concern, but something more than $3000 annual limit.

I learn something new everyday, so any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Nothing is "limitless" when it comes to insurance and if you're trying to learn then read up on case management that's found in every policy. Anytime something major happens that requires on-going medical expenses you no longer have a policy. Everything in print just got thrown out the window. Now a case manager approves or disapproves your on-going treatment.

If they deem therapy won't approve your condition or you're making too slow of progress they can say "no more therapy" and it's over. If the doctor recommends an expensive course of therapy the company can come back and other authorize a much cheaper course which might be far less effective.
it's an exclusive product to the brokerage I am with. World has several products that are set up this way. Oh and btw, I just went over it and physical therapy is subject to the deductable and coinsurance. Also one great thing about this policy is that the rate is locked in for 18 months. This is not a rider it's just built into the plan.