Part time insurance gig

Lots of jokes here. Selling life insurance is a simple business, but it is very hard to do for most people. There are much better jobs that can fit a full time job as a gig. Now a good life insurance agent makes upwards of $200 an hour. If this business could be started at $200 an part time we would have ton of people doing it. Even if you perform this job as coached you will have zero earnings after working 40 hours. Thats the price you pay at the beginning. If you are working 5 hours a week, that means 8 weeks of gig work with no money. The odds are you will not start week 9 dialing and fail out the business part time. It will also take you longer on how to handle rejection if you start part time. Human brain builds a wall against rejection if you give it time. Imagine you go to a bar and ask only girl out and they say no and you go back next month ask another one. You will be 50 before you learn the game. You have to jump in full time and swim
A career as a Life Insurance agent is not ideally suited to "part time" effort. Just ask any former Primerica or WFG associate who burned through his/her warm market list (or their "field trainer" burned through it for them), and then had no one to talk to and couldn't get up the nerve to go cold-calling.
He doesn't want a "career" . . .