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PDP enrollment period...

There seem to be a preponderance of SEP's that involve a stretch of credibility and imagination.

It's funny how agents will contort the facts to fit a square peg in a round hole (not pointing fingers, just a general observation) and do so with impunity.
There seem to be a preponderance of SEP's that involve a stretch of credibility and imagination.

It's funny how agents will contort the facts to fit a square peg in a round hole (not pointing fingers, just a general observation) and do so with impunity.

What would be helpful, for the beneficiary, would be clarity.

-8-mo SEP to pick up Part B.
-6-mo OE for Medigap.
-3-mo before, month of, 3-mo after for D - you saw that on Medicare's site? -- but doesn't apply here, even if another agent told you it would (wasn't me - I know better). Because you were working past 65, it's a different set of rules....
-New to B? Sure, you can do PDP but must apply before effective.
-2-mo for LEC.

You can see how easily they can get confused. Sure, he should have called me rather than Medishare for advice months ago, but here we are.

Who here drives 55mph and not 56+?
@sshafran legal documents, rules and regulations are, perhaps purposely, overly confusing and convoluted. Even more so when dealing with the federal government where laws are written covering a plethora of subjects that are not really legal matters but that has never stopped Congress from having their clerks write new laws so they can be voted on by folks who never read the legislation and would not understand it even if they did read the document.

Obamacare was a 2600 page law given to members of Congress 2 days before the vote. What could possibly go wrong there?

I never suggested your prospect was foolish to try to navigate Medicare rules on their own (but perhaps it should have at least been implied).

Had he talked with a knowledgeable agent, such as yourself, the outcome should have been different.

Unfortunately, too many folks take more of a "hold my beer" approach to life and, if things don't work out the figure it is better to ask forgiveness than permission.
How do you (or I) know he did not? It's conceivably possible that on the day of poor weather he could have gotten more clarification on the matter, as he thought he had an 8-mo period of time, just like for Part B, but he didn't due to a power outage or just not feeling like calling someone for a 2nd opinion.

Prove he didn't, and I'll refrain from writing the app.
Caveat, I am not an agent.

I am not an agent having to gain customer trust and obtain customer business in order to live, so none of us knows how I would react in situations like this, regarding SEP's.

I would just remark that I see those comments as consistent with the attitudes you used to express about getting dental insurance, which at the time I thought were a bit sketchy.
Caveat, I am not an agent.

I am not an agent having to gain customer trust and obtain customer business in order to live, so none of us knows how I would react in situations like this, regarding SEP's.

I would just remark that I see those comments as consistent with the attitudes you used to express about getting dental insurance, which at the time I thought were a bit sketchy.
We were waiting for you to opine.