PDP for T-65s

I have just started in this, but this is what I do. I explain to them that if they have medications, to either go to medicare.gov or to a walgreens pharmacy to input the drugs to see what plans best fit their unique medication situation. I guess I could do that for my clients, but as of now I don't.
My clients are medicare supplement buyers, but I am getting my MA and PDP licensing done so that I can offer all choices to my clients (why leave money on the table?).
When I explain the PDP's, I often go to the medicare gov site to print out a list of pdp's available in the area, I also use Ritter's quoting engine to get a price for the pdp's. I explain how you have basically a 3 tiered system for pdp's.
-Cheap plans for around $30 a month, that have a deductible and no coverage for the doughnut hole
-Moderately priced plans that don't have a deductible, but contain no coverage for the hole, they go for around $75 a month.
-Then theres the top notched plans that have no deductible, and have "many generics" that they offer the Senior during the doughnut hole. And they go for about $110 a month.

If they don't have any meds, I always recommend atleast a moderate plan with no deductible.
I also get a list of the best priced plans and compare the arbitrary user ratings on the medicare gov site.
I let my client then choose, which tier they want to go with. I give them the number to call, and they sign up over the phone.

If your client takes ZERO drugs you recommend a ~$75/month plan? I usually recommend the cheapest plan available if they take zero drugs, which is around $25. AARP here in FL is $35/month with zero ded. too
Those of you who sell med supps to T-65s, do you sign the client up with a PDP yourself or just tell them to call Medicare and request one? If you sign them up yourself, can you tell me any companies that you prefer over others?

With PDP's, one size does not fit all.
I always start with a list of their current meds, strength and dosage. Also, what retail pharmacy do they use.
I then input this info into the Medicare.gov formulary finder. This will rank the PDP plans in your state from least costly to most costly. If you don't use the formulary finder, you are throwing darts at the wall.
In California, I'm certified to sell 14 of the 47 PDP's. If one of my plans appears in the top 5 of "least costly", I enroll the client and make a commission that will just about fill half my Toyota Sequoia with gas.
If one of my plans is not in the top five, I get a copy of their Medicare id card and I electronically enroll them directly through Medicare's web site. This takes about 3 minutes. No comish. Just that warm fuzzy feeling knowing that you helped someone in need.
I am suprised how many people do not realize that all the prescription drug plans offered in their state are at the back of their Medicare and You book. Many say they never even looked at it.
Agreed; however, that book is horrible. Most of the figured at time of printing weren't available, so they just winged it. I hope they do a little better job this year.
I am somewhat new to Med Supp. Why are brokers shying away from Part d so much? Is it that much of a headache/hassle to write?
We get the list of meds, the amount, and how often, then do the research for them,, and find them the best plan for that year.

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