Pending outpatient surgery

After having a potential client die from an undetected aneurysm while postponing the first draft, I always do my best to offer first-day coverage while I am there. This lady is perfectly healthy today and that's why it is important to write her today if possible. She did not think there was anything to be concerned about with a hernia repair, it's essentially an outpatient procedure. The surgery issue came up while responding to the app questions, it was my issue, not hers
After having a potential client die from an undetected aneurysm while postponing the first draft, I always do my best to offer first-day coverage while I am there. This lady is perfectly healthy today and that's why it is important to write her today if possible

How do you know she is "perfectly healthy"? Was your "potential client" also perfectly healthy?
All other questions were answered no, my other applicant had issues unrelated to an aneurysm. After asking these questions face to face for 20 years you get a pretty good idea who is blowing smoke and who is being honest. I wouldn't waste my time if I questioned her honesty. Why would I not want to write her today if possible? Does this mean you have no idea who could accept this risk with the outpatient surgery?
Just trying to figure out who is pressing the issue to take the app before surgery and why.

I would not pursue it but you seem pretty desperate to write the app so go for it.