People Don't Buy Life Insurance in December


Still Here!
5000 Post Club
Niota, TN
Looks like someone forgot to tell Agent5 Guy that people don't buy insurance during he month of December. He is on top of NSL's production list for the week of December 18-22: Douglas M $10,277.. Just curious Doug, did you put anything with other companies during this week? Congrats on a great week!
Looks like someone forgot to tell Agent5 Guy that people don't buy insurance during he month of December. He is on top of NSL's production list for the week of December 18-22: Douglas M $10,277.. Just curious Doug, did you put anything with other companies during this week? Congrats on a great week!

People don't.........
People that....... Don't...
.... People only......
If you..... You won't.....
You have to......
If you don't..... You won't.....

Exempt that someone does.....
Looks like someone forgot to tell Agent5 Guy that people don't buy insurance during he month of December. He is on top of NSL's production list for the week of December 18-22: Douglas M $10,277.. Just curious Doug, did you put anything with other companies during this week? Congrats on a great week!

Thanks Rouse!
Actually, that was a couple weeks worth of sales. At times, the applications can build up a bit as we are very busy working with the agents. Yes, I wrote a couple of MOO's, Trans, Gerber, AmCon, and an Americo.
December has always been good for us.
Was in the field 5 days this month and still managed to write around $18,000 in AP!
Looks like someone forgot to tell Agent5 Guy that people don't buy insurance during he month of December. He is on top of NSL's production list for the week of December 18-22: Douglas M $10,277.. Just curious Doug, did you put anything with other companies during this week? Congrats on a great week!

Who is nsl???????
I just don't understand the whole take off for extended period of time thing. Came from a lot of work where we worked weekends and holidays so I guess that's part of my problem.