PFFS Plans Vs. Med Supps

What are the selling points of med supps vs. Pffs plans?​

Just bi-curious, I do med supps for health clients ageing in to medicare and don't really know much about the rest of it.​

Had a lady call me today, to let me know that she got a pffs plan based on the reccomendation of a friend, and what do I think about it? Nothing, I don't know ****.​

It really depends on your area. Here in rural western Ky and southern In., PFFS were gold.

I wrote over 800 MA plans from 2006 thru 2008. I did not participate in this last AEP. All but 2 of those plans were PFFS. Most were stand alone PFFS, probably about 85%.

There is no network for PFFS. If a doctor or hospital takes the card and treats the patient, they are a "deemed" provider. However, they are only deemed for that one visit. They can refuse to treat that patient and they can treat that patient today and refuse to treat that same patient tomorrow. In areas where that happened, PFFS should not be sold. Until March of 2009, I could comfortably tell every single one of my clients that, if they had a doctor tell them that they would not accept the PFFS, they would be the first to have that happen. In March of 2009, a small clinic in Hopkinsville, Ky put up a sign that said "We will no longer accept PFFS plans from any company". They are still the only one that has taken that action. We have the largest medical provider in western Ky right in my area. They have almost 200 doctors in their facilities. They will accept PFFS plans from any company including Humana. I say including Humana because that same facility will not accept Humana's PPO.

We only have a handful of PPO's in the area, Humana, Anthem and a trial Today's Options PPO in a couple of counties. We have only one MA HMO plan and it's also in limited counties, none of those in Ky.

With that level of acceptance, PFFS were all the rage. You still can't get people to switch from a PFFS to a med sup unless the PFFS really raided their premiums like Today's Options did in Daviess County, Ky. They went to $104/mo for a stand alone MA PFFS and they cut benefits. The people there that could qualify for a med sup flocked to them in droves. The ones that couldn't went with Humana's PPO for $45/mo. or Sterling's stand alone PFFS for $39/mo.

The MA plans will slowly die out here as the PFFS plans go away. The people of this area nor the medical facilities of this area are keen on PPO or HMO plans. Most of my clients that were on Wellcare and Coventry plans chose to do without a plan when those plans ended on Dec. 31. Of course most of the Wellcare were full duals and there really wan't anything for them to go to. Wellcare was the only plan for them to start with.

I tell every client that a med sup is the way to go if they can pay the premiums. Most still chose the PFFS plans because they could save money and we didn't have the horror stories about non acceptance that were prevalent in other parts of the country.

I quit selling them because of CMS sales prevention rules and the companies collusion with CMS on those rules. Sticking their hands in my pocket was also a huge factor. The plans are just too labor intensive for what an agent gets paid. Even though we didn't have the problems of non acceptance, you still had to cover that possibility in detail with people. That scared them to the point that they spent many unneccesary worries over the possibility.

PPO/HMO plans would be much easier to explain and service if we had those options.

I'm one of the few in this area that quit dealing with them. I know some agents that had their busiest AEP yet and all they sold were PFFS.

The bottom line is that one must know the landscape for where they sell. If one doesn't know the area well, sell only med sups there because they are safe. I wouldn't begin to go to the Nashville, Tn. area, {only 100 miles from me}, and try to sell PFFS plans because I don't know how they are accepted there.
I'm waiting for Frank to chime in on this discussion. I would say that Med Supps allow choice of Doctors. If you want to go see a Specialist in Wyoming that is the best in the nation for a certain life threatening ailment, buy your ticket, make an appointment, and go see that Specialist. If you have a PFFS, just roll over and die. Copays for hospital stays will kill someone on a PFFS plan or any Medicare Advantage plan. Like someone stated above, the Med Adv. plans are great until you have a need for the benefits. Then you're in trouble. Med Supps are for the level headed, who aren't scared to spend a little cash for peace of mind. PFFS are for "Poor Folks Fixinta Save" a little bit of munay!

Wow, I really don't need to "chime in". When did you learn to read minds? That pretty well sums it up.

In my humble opinion I would almost rather see a senior opt for just Medicare Part A and B than go with a PFFS plan. I have heard plenty of those horror stories from prospects about doctors bailing out of PFFS plans. I have even recommended that to prospects who have called me about taking a PFFS Plan. I refuse to sell them.

Just traditional Medicare is awesome health insurance coverage. Probably superior to the group plan most had before they retired. Med Supps are basically catastrophic coverage. No one needs a Med Supp or any MA plan to cover doctor visits, tests or the minor things that befall most people.

Med Supps put the senior in charge of their health care. They will not be denied a particular test or procedure because the insurer does not approve it or not be allowed to seek the best medical care available.

As all of us grow older there is only one thing that is going to insure we have the best quality of life available, that is unlimited access to the best quality health care available. Neither a PFFS Plan nor an HMO can guarantee that.

I would never let my mother take PFFS Plan or an HMO for that matter. She has a Med Supp Plan D. If I don't think a PFFS Plan is good enough for her then why would I recommend it to a prospect?

That is my opinion, there are many others but that one is mine and I'm sticking to it. :yes:
PFFS Plans Going By Way of Dinosaur

For good or ill (and I say "good", because PFFS plans have been a disaster in Ohio), PFFS plans will be extinct in a couple of years. They were abused by unscrupulous agents trying to make a quick buck in the early days of MA; they were marketed with vast mis- and disinformation; they put the burden of finding a provider on the member instead of making it easy for them to find providers.

As Frank mentioned above, I would have advised someone to stay on original Medicare rather than opt into a PFFS plan, and I've moved dozens of unhappy PFFS members into an MAPD HMO (in the Cleveland area, HMOs and PPOs are very strong, so it's not like being in a rural area) or helped them disenroll. UHC and Advantra PFFS plans left Ohio this year and Aetna won't even pay agents to enroll new members in their PFFS plan (that costs $70 a month).

The point is, our job is to do what is in the best interest of the client, period. I cannot see how it is in the best interests of an elderly, fixed-income client to have to hunt down providers or take their chances with getting refused care or billed for tons of money. They have enough to worry about without that.

I think Medicare Advantage HMO/PPO plans are, for the most part, better than original Medicare alone for those who cannot afford Med Sups. I think seniors should take advantage of them (no pun intended) for as long as they can. I don't subscribe to the "MAs are the Debbil!" mentality. If I were a senior, I'd get one!
Re: PFFS Plans Going By Way of Dinosaur

I think Medicare Advantage HMO/PPO plans are, for the most part, better than original Medicare alone for those who cannot afford Med Sups. I think seniors should take advantage of them (no pun intended) for as long as they can. I don't subscribe to the "MAs are the Debbil!" mentality. If I were a senior, I'd get one!

I am assuming you meant Devil, I personally agree that the plans themselves are not the Devil but I would not go that far about CMS :)
Re: PFFS Plans Going By Way of Dinosaur

I am assuming you meant Devil, I personally agree that the plans themselves are not the Devil but I would not go that far about CMS :)

CMS overreacted like any organization staffed by lifer bureaucrats - they got too many complaints, they had to actually do some work and they didn't like it, so they forced all these draconian measures onto the providers (and the agents) to punish us.

There are loopholes galore.

Did you notice those idiots didn't even put a place for the DATE on their Scope of Appointment form? And they expect the agent to keep it for ten years, when they can't even find people's records with both hands and a microscope?

They are incompetent, thank goodness.
The client that prompted me to ask about the pffs plans will only be able to get a med sup during a guaranteed issue period, do to serious condition. She has been a client of mine for a few years, as well as other family members.

She has a friend from up North, same age as her, that sells pffs who encouraged her to get one through him, but then she called to ask me what I thought about it, after she bought into it.

From reading your posts, it sounds like he offered her what has been good for him 7 states away, but not necessarily for her.

I don't doubt his sincerity, but anyway, she can always change next year.
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