Pioneer Security Life

should be similar to American Amicable at $98.09

That's not that great at all, not sure how or why this was replaced. But I have run into these scenarios with other agents trying to sell some "other benefits" or beating up a company for no reason to get a sale...nothing new.
I get Am. Amicable, Pioneer American, Pioneer Security, and Occidental all at $98.12 (includes policy fee).

Yeah I ran into an Occidental policy that was just a year old. Other than the fact that the agent gave him a non-smoker rate, while he smokes, I couldn't beat the rate.

Well I could beat it with Oxford, but it was less than $2/mo. Did AmAm used to have good rates before I started selling ins?
Yeah I ran into an Occidental policy that was just a year old. Other than the fact that the agent gave him a non-smoker rate, while he smokes, I couldn't beat the rate.

Well I could beat it with Oxford, but it was less than $2/mo. Did AmAm used to have good rates before I started selling ins?

No the rates have always been way too high.

You should have replaced it, and pointed out on the app that the agent lied and put his coverage at risk of recission. I do it all the time, they will pay more when you explain that in reality they have no coverage for 2 yrs.
Yeah I tried to tell him that. And he said he wasn't smoking then. But the rate was really good. Like I said I couldn't beat it with anything other than Oxford and that was with te NS rates.
Those con men from Senior Life push Pioneer alot- I just replaced a husband and wife, same policy and saved them $87 a month- Total monthy premium = $395.00 per month
