Plans & Policies - How Do You Learn Them All?

"Ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice." Don't be afraid to start making calls and learn as you go. It's okay to say to a prospect that you don't know the answer. Do the research and follow up. People will respect your diligence.
Some great advice given.

I will add, plug into company webinars and podcast. I listen to recorded webinars in the morning or evening when I am answering emails or cleaning up my dumpster of a desk. I also try to read at least one article in a trade publication with my first cup in the morning.

I have been doing this business a while. The stuff I read is mostly not new. However, I have a lot of "oh Man! I forgot about that!" moments.

We have all been where you are. You can do it.
For Indiana health a spreadsheet of the comprehensive plans side by side. Since our state has HSAs with both single(UHC,Humana) and multiple(Anthem) deductibles it can be a little tricky when helping families but when they are laid out next to each other on excel it's easier to get a feel of the best plan.
"Ignorance on fire is better than knowledge on ice." ...
I like that. I've never heard it before.

Also, don't be afraid to tell your prospect you don't know everything yet. If they ask a question you don't know the answer to, tell them:

"That's a good question. Let me find out for you." or -

"There's a couple of ways to go on that. Let me think about it for a bit."
1 at a time. Baby steps, crawling before walking is the way to go. Pick the product that you want to sell the most, concentrate on learning that particular plan.

Learn 1 product a day or so, and in 1 month you will have a working knowledge of you most important products.