Please Help, Meeting Adjuster in the Morning


New Member
We just moved into a 2800sq ft rental house a week ago and now the septic tank backed up and flooded the unfinished basement and the first floor bath. The landlord is awesome and he is going to pay our deductable and the cleaning crew has alredy started ripping things out. When it happened people were in and out and tracking the mess all over the house along with our 3 children and 4 cats who we were trying to catch and they were jumping all over moving boxes, couchers, beds etc. The landlord was running all over trying to stop the flood. My wife does home daycare and we are worried about the cleanup, how do we make sure everything is decontaminated as we have no clue as to what has or has not been touched? we cant afford to have ours or another parents children get ill. We have yet to meet the adjuster but we need to make it clear that everything needs to be cleaned without sounding anal, excuse the pun. help please, The house is huge and is full of childrens toys etc. The flooding was not severe but the fecal matter was all over.
The 'truth' is
you and your wife had better be ready to man/woman up some elbow grease to be 'anal' about RE-CLEANING every effing inch of YOUR HOME.....
The home where YOUR children 'will' pick up food and put in their mouths.....where lollipops and candy 'will' touch stuff before going back in....are you 'hearing' me?

You speak of FECAL matter and 'looks' can deceive.....
I'd get some sort of fecal matter detection system
(yeah a chit detector:twitchy:) before I'd even 'consider' allowing kids in there.

If YOUR kids were going to a daycare that had, had fecal matter EVERYWHERE and during clean up there were 3 kids, 4 cats and crews ripping things out all over....
What would you need to see in order for you to 'comfortably' :skeptical:allow your 'babies' to be CARED for in that house?

IMO if as you said the problem was contained to only the unfinished basement and the 1st floor bath.....I'd take issue the control and management of such a household that would allow this chit (pun intended) to get EVERYWHERE

And 'control and management' are too important to have when watching other ppl's kids for me to ever be comfortable that such a household could safely watch my kids IMHO
The house has been ripped apart from top to bottom, every soft surface out for decontamination, every hard surface being wiped, we have a single set of clothes till insurance gets **** in gear , it is being done. I am not sure if you are somewhere in that broad statement attacking me but if so no worries, i am not going to have any doubt before i allow my own children in led alone somebody elses.
You may want to consider going over everything with a UV light to check for contamination. All UV lights aren't created equal, so don't cheap out on it.

Being a cat owner (especially around kids) you may want to have one anyway and do periodic checks around the house for cat urine or spray. You may be surprised at what you find.

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