Political Humor

Put your thinking cap on and try reading past the headlines. Name a major international transit hub on the east coast, with extreme population density and a northern climate, and the fact that while somebody was worried about China China China, covid was being imported from Europe as well.

Well, I put my thinking cap on, and I see that you are 100% right. Trump was absolutely right about his ban on travel from China. I had no idea you were such a big Trump fan!!!
Sweden, a country with 10.5M people suffered 22,645 covid deaths (or 2156 deaths per million). The U.S., with 332M people suffered 1.1M covid deaths (or 3313 deaths per million). Canada, with 39.5M people, and a more cautious approach, suffered 51,930 covid deaths (or 1314 deaths per million). By comparison, Florida had a covid death rate per million population of 4040, almost double Sweden's rate, and 25% higher than the US national rate and 300+ percent higher than Canada. Florida had the added advantage of a warmer climate, where more socializing could be done outdoors, where distancing was easier to accomplish. Thanks Ron.

You've already proven you can't read reports. Have you accounted for the fact that Florida has one of the fattest and oldest populations in the U.S.?
and oldest populations in the U.S.?
Older people tend to follow the advice of the medical/scientific community, versus the younger generation who feel the need to rebel or for political reasons. If Florida had been a northern state, it's highly likely the death rate there would have been 75% higher than the national average.
You've already proven you can't read reports. Have you accounted for the fact that Florida has one of the fattest and oldest populations in the U.S.?
Coincidentally, California's covid death rate was 30% lower than the national average and 50% lower than Florida's, in spite of the fact that the state is a major global transit hub, especially from Asian countries. So the states and policies you berate so easily actually did an exponentially better job at preventing covid deaths than the states you hold in such high esteem. Rule #1 about math and science is to never let emotions cloud your interpretations of the facts. The same could be said about voting.
Older people tend to follow the advice of the medical/scientific community, versus the younger generation who feel the need to rebel or for political reasons. If Florida had been a northern state, it's highly likely the death rate there would have been 75% higher than the national average.

Older people are almost exclusively the people who die of Covid. Duh.

I'd like to see the math that gets you to "very likely the death rate there would have been 75% higher than the national average."

Let's see it. Right now.
Have you accounted for the fact that Florida has one of the fattest and oldest populations in the U.S.?
Again, you really need to use your brain rather than your gut before uttering such statements. Florida actually has the 4th lowest obesity rate in the entire country. Your opinions are actually your worst enemy.
Older people are almost exclusively the people who die of Covid. Duh.

I'd like to see the math that gets you to "very likely the death rate there would have been 75% higher than the national average."

Let's see it. Right now.
There is a clear relationship between covid death rates and climate, across the US. You're asking me to prove how an exception to that rule, Florida, would have failed even worse had it been located in the north? I mean seriously, do we really need to beat a dead horse that was already beaten to death by covid? [EXTERNAL LINK] - U.S. COVID death rate by state 2023 | Statista
Well, I put my thinking cap on, and I see that you are 100% right. Trump was absolutely right about his ban on travel from China. I had no idea you were such a big Trump fan!!!
After Trump's "ban", an additional 55,000 arrived on flights from Asia. But the bigger blunder was, he continued to allow flights from Europe, in spite of the fact Europe was harder hit than Asia. I guess it's asking to much to expect a leader to focus on two things at once. Actually three things, if you include golf, or four, if you include Stormy.
Coincidentally, California's covid death rate was 30% lower than the national average and 50% lower than Florida's, in spite of the fact that the state is a major global transit hub, especially from Asian countries. So the states and policies you berate so easily actually did an exponentially better job at preventing covid deaths than the states you hold in such high esteem. Rule #1 about math and science is to never let emotions cloud your interpretations of the facts. The same could be said about voting.

"Transit hub" means nothing. Covid was everywhere and was going to be everywhere regardless of what anyone did.

And no, when you look at the standardized death rates FL did BETTER than both NY and Ca.

Recent from the Lancet:

There is a clear relationship between covid death rates and climate, across the US. You're asking me to prove how an exception to that rule, Florida, would have failed even worse had it been located in the north? I mean seriously, do we really need to beat a dead horse that was already beaten to death by covid? [EXTERNAL LINK] - U.S. COVID death rate by state 2023 | Statista

No, I was very clear in what I asked. What math did you use to come up with Florida "very likely the death rate there would have been 75% higher than the national average."

You either have math or you made it up...and you don't have any math.