Political Humor

Dude, you're saying the concept of comorbidity, long established in medicine since before either of us existed, is just an "excuse"? I think you're actually insane. Denial of stats, denial of science, conspiracy theory and now a total rejection of comorbidities and how they function. Insane.
The CDC clarified your misunderstanding 2+ years ago about comorbidities in relation to covid death rates. The antivax/anti lockdown community was quick to wrongly blame comorbidities listed on death certificates as a "Co-cause" of death. I'm fairly certain you are one of the very few who did not read the clarification.[EXTERNAL LINK] - Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19
OK, so you accept the data is real now? Good. It demonstrates that FL did better than both NY and CA. What are you confused about, besides just general stupidity?
The points about lockdowns, masking, mobility controls(or lack thereof) and republicanism ALL apply to Florida, and Florida's covid performance reflects it.
According to the Lancet study, states with stronger mask mandates and mobility controls performed 30+% better than states with lax restrictions. Further, states with more school closures suffered no performance differences compared to states with open schools.

No, the study doesn't say that about Covid performance. At all. Liar.

And as for school closures, it says, "It is likely, however, that our state-level estimates of school closures do not fully capture the diversity in school closure and reopening decisions that occurred within states at the district levels."
The CDC clarified your misunderstanding 2+ years ago about comorbidities in relation to covid death rates. The antivax/anti lockdown community was quick to wrongly blame comorbidities listed on death certificates as a "Co-cause" of death. I'm fairly certain you are one of the very few who did not read the clarification.[EXTERNAL LINK] - Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19

That has nothing to do with what we're talking about. I'm counting them all as Covid deaths. Duh.

EVERY scientist agrees that a high rate of comorbidities in a population will increase the rate of Covid deaths. Every. Single. One.
And as for school closures, it says,

"Yet, California, a state with long school closures during the pandemic, had test score declines similar to or smaller than those in Florida and Maine, states with low rates of school closures."

Perhaps before you comment, you should actually take the time to read the articles you post that supposedly support your opinions. You're making a fool of yourself at this point. But Ron says thanks.
That has nothing to do with what we're talking about. I'm counting them all as Covid deaths. Duh.
No you're not, because the chart on which you base your claim ranks Florida ahead of California ONLY once comorbidities are factored in. With factoring those in, Florida ranks far worse. And again, the CDC discounts the comorbidity angle when calculating death rates UNLESS those comorbidities are listed as the cause of death or a contributing factor, rather than just being present at death. Do you really think high cholesterol killed more covid patients than covid? lol
"Yet, California, a state with long school closures during the pandemic, had test score declines similar to or smaller than those in Florida and Maine, states with low rates of school closures."

Perhaps before you comment, you should actually take the time to read the articles you post that supposedly support your opinions. You're making a fool of yourself at this point. But Ron says thanks.

What part of "It is likely, however, that our state-level estimates of school closures do not fully capture the diversity in school closure and reopening decisions that occurred within states at the district levels," do you not understand?
No you're not, because the chart on which you base your claim ranks Florida ahead of California ONLY once comorbidities are factored in. With factoring those in, Florida ranks far worse. And again, the CDC discounts the comorbidity angle when calculating death rates UNLESS those comorbidities are listed as the cause of death or a contributing factor, rather than just being present at death. Do you really think high cholesterol killed more covid patients than covid? lol

It's not claiming any deaths weren't Covid deaths, kiddo.

You factor in comorbidities because, AGAIN, a population with a higher comorbidity rate is going to have a higher rate of death no matter what policy is put in place. Duh.