Political Humor

Any demographic variables were more than compensated for by Florida's manipulation of covid reporting. We don't care that sun and sand handicapped Florida because they cause covid. We could scrub data from any reports to paint a prettier picture of any jurisdiction, but total population/total deaths is the global standard. Furthermore, your chart intentionally cuts off the source or footnotes, which makes it meaningless.
Just reading this thread, regardless of your inflated numbers, it's obvious you have stage 4 TDS. You can't possibly believe the guy running the show now, in any way, has better results than the previous guy. No matter how much you hate the previous guy, any leader that destroys an energy independent country should be your 2nd choice. Your economic numbers are meaningless because Biden was coming out of Covid and Trump got hammered by it. If the Lefty's had their way, we'd still be wearing masks and kids would be on zoom.
Biden was coming out of Covid
Which meant somebody was responsible for getting us into covid in the first place. Bonus points for making us #1 for infection and death rates. "Just a flu.....gone in two weeks....miraculously".
destroys an energy independent country
Well firstly, lowering demand is a very effective way to balance supplies. Secondly, we would be independent now, if Big Oil would stop shipping OUR oil to foreign markets where the margins are higher. And by the way, Big Oil announced record profits during the last few years, and they ain't selling water!!!
Comorbidity= A diabetic living normally with the condition for 20 years contracts covid and dies. Diabetes is listed as a comorbidity, however had they not contracted covid, they would still be alive. Diabetes was therefore not responsible for their death, nor did it hasten their death by covid. Comorbidity was a convenient excuse for poor covid management. It was a way to shift the blame from leadership onto demographics. We can clearly point out other jurisdictions with higher average ages and obesity rates which performed much better against Florida as far as covid death rates.
From that Lancet Study link you posted;

"A larger proportion of the population who voted for the 2020 Republican presidential candidate was significantly associated with a higher cumulative death rate"

"Oklahoma was the state with the lowest use of such covid policies. If Oklahoma had the policy response of California, which was estimated to have the largest policy response to COVID-19, we estimate it would have had 32% fewer infections."

"increasing mask use in the state with the lowest masking level (Wyoming) to the level of the state with the highest masking level (Hawaii) would result in a 38% reduction in the cumulative infection rate in the state."

"If the largest reduction in mobility (California) occurred in the state with the smallest observed reduction in mobility (South Dakota), we estimate that it would bring about a 37% reduction in the cumulative infection rate."

"the state with the least number of vaccinated person-days (Alabama) adopting the vaccination uptake of the state with the most vaccinated person-days (Vermont) would lead to a 30% decrease in cumulative infections and a 35% decrease in cumulative deaths."

"our results show that states where a greater fraction of the population voted for the Republican Party's 2020 presidential candidate, on average, had more infections and more total COVID-19 deaths for the entire study period."

"Our results suggest that states that implemented and maintained more policy mandates, including those meant to encourage or require mask use, vaccination, and physical distancing, had, on average, lower infection rates during the period in which those mandates were in effect."

I guess all I can say is Thanks? I'm confused though as I thought your intention was to defend Florida/Desantis.
Comorbidity= A diabetic living normally with the condition for 20 years contracts covid and dies. Diabetes is listed as a comorbidity, however had they not contracted covid, they would still be alive. Diabetes was therefore not responsible for their death, nor did it hasten their death by covid. Comorbidity was a convenient excuse for poor covid management. It was a way to shift the blame from leadership onto demographics. We can clearly point out other jurisdictions with higher average ages and obesity rates which performed much better against Florida as far as covid death rates.

Dude, you're saying the concept of comorbidity, long established in medicine since before either of us existed, is just an "excuse"? I think you're actually insane. Denial of stats, denial of science, conspiracy theory and now a total rejection of comorbidities and how they function. Insane.
Just reading this thread, regardless of your inflated numbers, it's obvious you have stage 4 TDS. You can't possibly believe the guy running the show now, in any way, has better results than the previous guy. No matter how much you hate the previous guy, any leader that destroys an energy independent country should be your 2nd choice. Your economic numbers are meaningless because Biden was coming out of Covid and Trump got hammered by it. If the Lefty's had their way, we'd still be wearing masks and kids would be on zoom.
According to the Lancet study, states with stronger mask mandates and mobility controls performed 30+% better than states with lax restrictions. Further, states with more school closures suffered no performance differences compared to states with open schools.
From that Lancet Study link you posted;

"A larger proportion of the population who voted for the 2020 Republican presidential candidate was significantly associated with a higher cumulative death rate"

"Oklahoma was the state with the lowest use of such covid policies. If Oklahoma had the policy response of California, which was estimated to have the largest policy response to COVID-19, we estimate it would have had 32% fewer infections."

"increasing mask use in the state with the lowest masking level (Wyoming) to the level of the state with the highest masking level (Hawaii) would result in a 38% reduction in the cumulative infection rate in the state."

"If the largest reduction in mobility (California) occurred in the state with the smallest observed reduction in mobility (South Dakota), we estimate that it would bring about a 37% reduction in the cumulative infection rate."

"the state with the least number of vaccinated person-days (Alabama) adopting the vaccination uptake of the state with the most vaccinated person-days (Vermont) would lead to a 30% decrease in cumulative infections and a 35% decrease in cumulative deaths."

"our results show that states where a greater fraction of the population voted for the Republican Party's 2020 presidential candidate, on average, had more infections and more total COVID-19 deaths for the entire study period."

"Our results suggest that states that implemented and maintained more policy mandates, including those meant to encourage or require mask use, vaccination, and physical distancing, had, on average, lower infection rates during the period in which those mandates were in effect."

I guess all I can say is Thanks? I'm confused though as I thought your intention was to defend Florida/Desantis.

OK, so you accept the data is real now? Good. It demonstrates that FL did better than both NY and CA. What are you confused about, besides just general stupidity?