Post-Corona, Preparing for Normalcy

For a few reasons, but frankly MI is a highly purple state with a Democratic Governor and a Republican Congress.

Most of your protesters had a sea of red MAGA hats. They're going out and saying that Whitmer is taking their liberties, which she signed the EO. However, the Republican Congress approved extending the EO.

There's a few issues that people are having:

1) Misunderstanding on why COVID19 isn't the same as the flu and why social distancing and the lockdown is vital from completely overwhelming our health system.

One gentleman interviewed said the only way to quell the virus was to just let it spread.

What you don't know is that places like Detroit, they are completely overwhelming and they're shipping patients to other parts of the state for care, like here in TC 4.5 hours away.

2) We have a more severe crackdown because frankly, some people are stupid.

We have really low housing costs. So even middle class families can afford a summer cottage. We're coming out of winter and people want to go to Home Depot to buy gardening supplies breaking social distancing practices. Go on their pontoons with a bunch of people, etc.

This is really about selfish wants, not taking liberty. These people were out bare handedly passing out candy on the street and not following their own organizers guidelines for social distancing.

Michigan has the 3rd largest virus outbreak in the country. They need to follow the untilstay home order until we get the virus spread to a point where we're not overwhelming our healthcare system.

Hmm Strange thing though I just saw Gov Whitmer, Did keep open Weed dispensaries Liqueur stores and Lotto dispensaries as essential But you can't go to home depot?

In addition, she was just on TV saying these people protesting stopped for gas and got food and endangered everyone's lives

But getting gas to go pick up some alcohol and lottery tickets is ok I guess

Funny too because Dems usually have a hands-off protesters approach Or is that only when they are protesting police

I am so confused
I am so confused

Of course you are. The closer you look at a lot of this, the less it makes sense. If you are confused, it likely means you are paying attention to the facts and information.

In my area people are fearful and panicking, but gun shops are closed, because apparently defending yourself is not essential.

In one of the fattest countries in the world, where coronavirus kills a disproportionately high number of fat and diabetic, we have shut down parks and gym's for the sake of "public safety". Santa Cruz police dept told me I would be fined $1,000 for walking along the beach.

When you go to the grocery store, there are high theatrics entering and upon checkout to space out, but we can stand next to each other to pick out snacks and candy so we can go home and sit in front of the tv and eat junk food and not go out. All for "safety and health".

We've shut down the economy for April and many states likely will for May, in a time when colds and flu's typically taper down on their own.

One of my co workers is terrified of coronavirus, but can't wait to get her 15yr old daughter behind the wheel to learn to drive. She giggles as she admits that her daughter is very ditzy and gets distracted easily. She doesn't care one bit when I point out her daughter is far more likely to kill someone than the coronavirus that she is so scared of. She doesn't give two sh*ts if her ditz daughter kills me in her car, but she'll run for cover if she hears someone cough.