Post-Corona, Preparing for Normalcy

It's not, imo, about "a small percentage of people die" (which comparatively to the flu is inaccurate, it's actually quite significant) from Rona. It's about people that do have to address severe symptoms (which is a larger population) overwhelming the healthcare system, causing a chain reaction.
You calling it by a woman's name reminded me of the old song "My Sharona"! LOL! So I found this on YouTube:
Michigan is a unique place. In the South were densely populated and urban. As you head North, we become much more spread out and rural. As such, our opinions differ greatly.

PA, WI, and MI are very similar. There is a reason that we together flipped the election for Trump last time around. And those protesting in MI are really more re-living the 2016 election tahn anything else.

Here is an interesting read (and that means you have to read the article in order to comment on it rather than having a knee-jerk partisan response to the title).
However, I believe our government, Left and Right, will take advantage of us if allowed.

They already have. A $1.6 million dollar per individual stimulus to the wealtiest 43,000 Americans - this was not Republican nor was it Democrat: This was a bi-partisan gift to the elite donor class.

If Mnuchin is willing to stand aside and let the banks screw our military - how much worse do you think it would be for us?

USAA Grabs Coronavirus Checks From Military Families
Hmm... I think its time to stop putting labels on everything and looking for ways to throw punches all the time.

In a national time of crisis we should come together.

Tell it to the guys marching into a political rally carrying the confederate flag.

Y'all realize that the confederate flag is not a symbol of freedom and liberty, right?

I do believe that most confederate soldiers were not fighting to defend slavery, but did feel they were fighting a second American Revolution. So I do not mean to demean those soldiers.

I am talking about what the flag came to mean to a majority of Americans, white and black, in the wake of reconstruction.
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