Post-Corona, Preparing for Normalcy

Hmm Strange thing though I just saw Gov Whitmer, Did keep open Weed dispensaries Liqueur stores and Lotto dispensaries as essential But you can't go to home depot?

In addition, she was just on TV saying these people protesting stopped for gas and got food and endangered everyone's lives

But getting gas to go pick up some alcohol and lottery tickets is ok I guess

Funny too because Dems usually have a hands-off protesters approach Or is that only when they are protesting police

I am so confused

There are no "lottery dispensaries"

Lottery tickets are sold at gas stations and grocery stores. Otherwise, you're talking about casinos. Alcohol is also sold at Convenience and grocery stores, or party stores that serve food.

As for "weed" dispensaries, as until recently it was Medical Marijuana, which is a service that sustains life and safety (like pain management, or ptsd symptoms.)

People aren't congregating en masse to buy alcohol and lottery tickets. They are going to Home Depot, Wal-Mart, and Meijer to "shop" for crap.. which means they're lingering and posing a safety health risk.

As for your statement about "getting gas", I'm not going to say that their isn't a clip of that, because I don't know (in other words, prove it.)

She did say that people being out on the street, congregating in large groups (which was against their own organizations parameters) is a public health risk that could prolong the spread of the virus.

I appreciate and understand that you guys want to reopen the economy.

Mark makes some good points, and I agree with about 70% of what he said... However, here's the thing...

The whole stay home order is to reduce the likelihood of overwhelming the healthcare system. For example, I'm young, healthy, and highly unlikely to develop severe symptoms to CoViD19. However, I stay home because if I catch if, I'm contagious before I even exhibit symptoms.

That means I can transmit to people that are vulnerable without even knowing it.

Frankly, we're not going to agree on this thing. Furthermore, you don't live here and you catch sound bites or whatever news article you pick up which rarely give an adequate full picture of what's happening in a location.

Currently, we're transporting patients from downstate to upstate because downstate medical facilities are overwhelmed.

This isn't some great seize of personal liberty in the name of tyranny or oppression.

You have the right to believe what you want.
Hmm Strange thing though I just saw Gov Whitmer, Did keep open Weed dispensaries Liqueur stores and Lotto dispensaries as essential But you can't go to home depot?

In addition, she was just on TV saying these people protesting stopped for gas and got food and endangered everyone's lives

But getting gas to go pick up some alcohol and lottery tickets is ok I guess

Funny too because Dems usually have a hands-off protesters approach Or is that only when they are protesting police

I am so confused

PS: They can't go to big box stores for certain non-essential items, like gardening supplies, lawn furniture or carpeting. There was some ambiguity initially in the EO and retailers were blocking off areas that weren't supposed to be blocked off.

They can go to small, local businesses to get those items, though. As people that are going to a hardware store aren't mixing with people going to the pharmacy or grocery. (Home Depot has large multi departments where large groups of people would congregate.)

Just as an FYI, I went to Home Depot last weekend to replace a toilet due to the hardware just being slap worn out and constantly running. I had zero issues getting what I needed and getting out.

I agree that we do need to open sectors of our economy back up based on if it can be done is a safe manner and in a staged manner after we know that an outbreak is dying down and getting under control.

Trump released an outline on how to reopen the economy in a staged process that lays out reasonable guidelines on when it's safe to start.

We shouldn't just reopen the full economy right now. People should continue to social distance and take precautions.

We're finally getting to a place where testing is more available, so we can have an idea of real exposure instead of the worst case exposure.
Here is an interesting article.

5,000 person test subjects.

SECDEF: Majority of Roosevelt sailors with COVID-19 are asymptomatic

It's not really. Most military people are in decent physical shape and younger. It's not a proper reflection of the general population.

But hey, honestly.. I support a stay home order in Michigan because we've just started the peak and don't want to cause a rebound flare.

However, if you don't that's you're (general you) opinion and isn't invalid.

I work from home. I go out every two weeks to the grocery store. I walk outside and don't have kids or contact with a vulnerable population.

If the government in Michigan opened everything up tomorrow, it would be minimal skin off my nose
It's not really. Most military people are in decent physical shape and younger. It's not a proper reflection of the general population.

But hey, honestly.. I support a stay home order in Michigan because we've just started the peak and don't want to cause a rebound flare.

However, if you don't that's you're (general you) opinion and isn't invalid.

I work from home. I go out every two weeks to the grocery store. I walk outside and don't have kids or contact with a vulnerable population.

If the government in Michigan opened everything up tomorrow, it would be minimal skin off my nose

We got different take a ways.

Mine is all of these Sailors and Marines were/are walking around with no idea they were possibly infecting others that are infecting others.

No Social Distancing aboard ship.

I have three cars - one of which is a gas guzzling Suburban. Used to fill all three of them weekly. Since March 13, I have bought $13 in gas because we make no unnecessary trips. I didn't need the gas, but I couldn't pass up the chance to buy $1.56/gallon gas at Costco. The governor of Michigan was referring to the fact that that protest likely caused how many people to have to stop for gas who likewise hadn't needed to fill up in weeks.

I know we here in PA have some of the most restrictive guidelines in the nation. We are hurting economically as much as or more than Michigan. In PA, 20%, 1 out of 5 workers have applied for unemployment and that number is rising weekly. But so far we are keeping it real here in PA and even the MAGA hats here respect the danger corona potentially poses to them and their families. I would bet most of those in Michigan do not stand on the side of the folks who participated in that protest.


I think if you're looking at it objectively, you can reasonably infer that what she's talking about is a chain of contact.

She's not yelling at people for getting gas or food.

She's saying, but not following social distancing guidelines, you're having a chain where a person went and got gas, and could be in contact with someone that would give it. Then they congregate at this rally, where 150 were protesting outside of their vehicle in a large group, handing out candy to kids. Then they jump back in their cars and go home to get food, where they come in contact with another person.

The initial role out of this protest was supposed to be everyone staying in their cars.

@WinoBlues I apologize, I misinterpreted your point.

Michigan is a unique place. In the South were densely populated and urban. As you head North, we become much more spread out and rural. As such, our opinions differ greatly.

I can't speak for other states, or really Michigan as a whole.

However, I'd love for us to set aside partisan bickering for once in our lives and treat a healthcare threat with the rationale, objective consideration it deserves

For example, as I've stated before, downstate healthcare is overwhelmed and they're shipping people upstate for treatment. By trying to go back to business as usually, not only do you overwhelm the system with Rona virus patients, but those that have other healthcare issues are now at risk of being unable to get emergency treatment.

It's not, imo, about "a small percentage of people die" (which comparatively to the flu is inaccurate, it's actually quite significant) from Rona. It's about people that do have to address severe symptoms (which is a larger population) overwhelming the healthcare system, causing a chain reaction.
There are no "lottery dispensaries"

Lottery tickets are sold at gas stations and grocery stores. Otherwise, you're talking about casinos. Alcohol is also sold at Convenience and grocery stores, or party stores that serve food.

As for "weed" dispensaries, as until recently it was Medical Marijuana, which is a service that sustains life and safety (like pain management, or ptsd symptoms.)

People aren't congregating en masse to buy alcohol and lottery tickets. They are going to Home Depot, Wal-Mart, and Meijer to "shop" for crap.. which means they're lingering and posing a safety health risk.

As for your statement about "getting gas", I'm not going to say that their isn't a clip of that, because I don't know (in other words, prove it.)

She did say that people being out on the street, congregating in large groups (which was against their own organizations parameters) is a public health risk that could prolong the spread of the virus.

I appreciate and understand that you guys want to reopen the economy.

Mark makes some good points, and I agree with about 70% of what he said... However, here's the thing...

The whole stay home order is to reduce the likelihood of overwhelming the healthcare system. For example, I'm young, healthy, and highly unlikely to develop severe symptoms to CoViD19. However, I stay home because if I catch if, I'm contagious before I even exhibit symptoms.

That means I can transmit to people that are vulnerable without even knowing it.

Frankly, we're not going to agree on this thing. Furthermore, you don't live here and you catch sound bites or whatever news article you pick up which rarely give an adequate full picture of what's happening in a location.

Currently, we're transporting patients from downstate to upstate because downstate medical facilities are overwhelmed.

This isn't some great seize of personal liberty in the name of tyranny or oppression.

You have the right to believe what you want.

As far as lottery dispensaries IN gas stations and convenience stores, If anything causes unnecessary travel its this

I used to work as a gas station convenience store when I was 19, It amazed me how many people are addicted to lottery especially the scratch-offs

Some would come in and stay for hours buying scratch-offs and keep buying hoping to hit

And Weed sustains life Really????

I get that it makes some conditions much less uncomfortable but sustains life?

I think if you're looking at it objectively, you can reasonably infer that what she's talking about is a chain of contact.

She's not yelling at people for getting gas or food.

She's saying, but not following social distancing guidelines, you're having a chain where a person went and got gas, and could be in contact with someone that would give it. Then they congregate at this rally, where 150 were protesting outside of their vehicle in a large group, handing out candy to kids. Then they jump back in their cars and go home to get food, where they come in contact with another person.

The initial role out of this protest was supposed to be everyone staying in their cars.

@WinoBlues I apologize, I misinterpreted your point.

Michigan is a unique place. In the South were densely populated and urban. As you head North, we become much more spread out and rural. As such, our opinions differ greatly.

I can't speak for other states, or really Michigan as a whole.

However, I'd love for us to set aside partisan bickering for once in our lives and treat a healthcare threat with the rationale, objective consideration it deserves

For example, as I've stated before, downstate healthcare is overwhelmed and they're shipping people upstate for treatment. By trying to go back to business as usually, not only do you overwhelm the system with Rona virus patients, but those that have other healthcare issues are now at risk of being unable to get emergency treatment.

It's not, imo, about "a small percentage of people die" (which comparatively to the flu is inaccurate, it's actually quite significant) from Rona. It's about people that do have to address severe symptoms (which is a larger population) overwhelming the healthcare system, causing a chain reaction.

I doubt there is that much truth in what she said anyway, I am yet to find photos of them handing out candy to Children I would bet if that did at all go on it was their own children

I also did see the Swastika photo and it was in mock of her, not a pro-Swastika

Sound like the same ol bull from dems

Now keep in mind I am not saying this is not a very dangerous thing that needs caution I am not saying we need to open economy today or that some level of social distancing is not needed

What I am saying there are many that are overreaching in power and taking advantage of the situation at least trying to take advantage

When they block people from going to their own second home just because its a second home but keep lotto open there is an issue

Moreover, If we allow overreach, in this case, when will it happen again and how much further will it go