Post-Corona, Preparing for Normalcy

Tell it to the guys marching into a political rally carrying the confederate flag.

Y'all realize that the confederate flag is not a symbol of freedom and liberty, right?

I do believe that most confederate soldiers were not fighting to defend slavery, but did feel they were fighting a second American Revolution. So I do not mean to demean those soldiers.

I am talking about what the flag came to mean to a majority of Americans, white and black, in the wake of reconstruction.

Sorry buddy, that ain't flyin' with this guy. Too many folks throwing out raw meet and trying to get others tangled in some political debate. There is a time and a place for a good hoopla, but that time is not now, and that is not the topic.

I'm gonna set this one out for now.
There is a time and a place for a good hoopla, but that time is not now, and that is not the topic.

We were talking the Michigan protest. My post, being a picture from that protest (albeit allegedly as I myself did not attend to take the photo myself) is in keeping with the discussion. No raw meat being thrown here. I even wrote the post to minimize any sharp edge.

But good on you for sitting this one out.
They already have. A $1.6 million dollar per individual stimulus to the wealtiest 43,000 Americans - this was not Republican nor was it Democrat: This was a bi-partisan gift to the elite donor class.

If Mnuchin is willing to stand aside and let the banks screw our military - how much worse do you think it would be for us?

USAA Grabs Coronavirus Checks From Military Families


Of course, this seems like a partisan article. However, that doesn't mean that it is not true.

Of course, this seems like a partisan article. However, that doesn't mean that it is not true.

NY Post is a Murdoch owned Trump friendly paper - so when they get critical of the administration on something it is definitely worth paying attention. The American Prospect is a liberal/progressive leaning outlet. But the facts are the facts and I believe it was reported elsewhere as well.
NY Post is a Murdoch owned Trump friendly paper - so when they get critical of the administration on something it is definitely worth paying attention. The American Prospect is a liberal/progressive leaning outlet. But the facts are the facts and I believe it was reported elsewhere as well.

I don't believe I said differently.

That didn't read slanted Left to you?

Like Hannity or Maddow 'reporting' on anything. Say they are reporting on a picture of a cow. They will slant it as meat or a pollution source. When in fact it is just a cow.
That didn't read slanted Left to you?

Which? My point was simply both articles are critical of the execution of the bail out, and one comes from the right and the other from the left. I read from both sides. Toomany read from only one or the other. The purpose of my response to you was to point out that I did not pick two articles from the same side of the divide. One is undeniably from the right, the other from the left.

It isn't my fault journalism in pure form is nowhere to be found.
It looks like the Great Lakes/MidWest block of Governor's are going to start reopening as of May 1. My SCUBA shop has already posted their reopening date.