Post-Corona, Preparing for Normalcy

I don't recall CNN making a comparison between automobile deaths and corona mortality rates? And when was the last time DT agreed to an interview with them?

I do recall Dr Gupta saying a study showing 40 to 60 % of Americans will get infected is too low a figure and predicts it will be much worse

They are the fear-mongering station
This is just the result of years of racism and it is really evident in places like Chicago. Poor neighborhoods terrible healthcare more people die. The rich are just focused on taking more at the expense of the poor and middle class. The working class gets conned into thinking they have the opportunity to someday get ahead if they just work harder while the wealthy are laughing at their asses and raping the country.

And if you don't know anyone that works for a living or earns a commission or has a small business is not the rich I am speaking of because these groups just keep getting smaller. They cut your commissions, try to get you to work for the lowest possible wages while they rape the treasury of the dollars you have contributed.

It only makes sense that poor people with crappy healthcare will suffer more.

Yes I agree poor neighborhoods have lesser of many things But I am tired of hearing at every turn the evil white male is to blame and everything is racism
There's been tons of comedy gold left on the cutting floor because all the jesters are lefties who refuse to poke fun at Democrats and minorities. Spineless, PC, holier than thou, liberals. I'd like to line them up and give them a good swift kick in the pants.

Wait, what? Am I reading this right? You want to give a swift kick in the pants to people who refuse to poke fun of minorities? Are you a grand wizard?
Wait, what? Am I reading this right? You want to give a swift kick in the pants to people who refuse to poke fun of minorities? Are you a grand wizard?
No. I've never been anything but fair to everyone I encounter. I'm pretty sure most my fellow whites operate the same way.